It’s Raining Cats and Dogs…What???!!!

Everyone knows that when this expression is being used, that there are not actually cats and dogs falling out of the sky. It is an expression that means that it is raining very heavily!!

Only those who speak English would understand this expression, in other languages other than the one being spoken it does not make sense.

This is a figure of speech called an idiom. 

Scripture is full of Hebrew phrases and idioms that most grafted-in believers don’t know about.  It is extremely important that a person who wants to study the Bible has knowledge concerning these things, in order to understand Scripture correctly.

Without the knowledge of these phrases, you cannot possibly interpret verses as they were originally intended by the ancient Hebrew authors. There are many things that grafted-in believers have believed for almost two thousand years, that are incorrect, partially because of this missing knowledge.

Different languages have from dozens, to hundreds of idioms.


An idiom is an expression of a concept, feeling, idea, circumstance, or thing, used in a figurative sense to aid and enhance an explanation.

An idiomatic expression should never be interpreted literally. It is very closely related to a maxim and a parable.


A maxim is a brief expression of a general truth or rule of conduct. An example of a maxim is: “The pen is mightier than the sword.”

 Meaning. Definition: Influencing people through thoughts and ideas are more effective than violence.

Idioms, maxims, and parables have been very useful teaching tools, especially in cultures that are without books and rely mainly on oral communication.


A parable is a short allegorical story intended to illustrate (or teach) some truth, religious principle, or moral lesson. Jesus/Yeshua used parables and figures of speech many times.

A widely-known Hebrew idiom, Bosom Of Abraham, is one of them that is commonly missed, and taken literally.

Is it a real place, or an idiom for the grave?

In Luke 16 He uses this Hebrew idiom. This was a figure of speech they readily understood, and Jesus/Yeshua used it to make His point about a very rich man and a desperately poor man.

His point was that riches, pleasure, possessions, and position can be a stumbling block to us. (stumbling block = deterrent, obstacle).

He wanted to convey how important it is that we evaluate our behavior, and how it will factor into our final destination. The scriptures tell us that our hearts are corrupt, and lack compassion for our fellow human beings. The rich man lacked compassion, and was extremely selfish. He had the evil eye, an idiom meaning he was stingy, miserly, and self-centered.

Jesus/Yeshua was not teaching us about the literal details of the here-after, but rather figuratively used the idiom, bosom of Abraham to teach the principle of generosity, hospitality, and kindness. He was also giving us a glimpse of how He sees our treatment of one another.

Another thing we miss in Hebrew, His original followers were called the Netzarim. (Hellenized in Greek to “Nazarenes”).

 Natsarim means Watchmen in modern Hebrew, the term “notzri” (נוצרי) is the general word for “Christian,” which perhaps comes from the word “netzer,” but more likely comes from the name of town of Nazareth.

Strong’s Hebrew: 5341. נָצַר (natsar) — to watch, guard, keep

Strong’s Hebrew: 5342. נֵ֫צֶר (netser) — a sprout, shoot

Those who are Netzarim (watchmen, shoots from the branch,) have a desire to guard and keep truth. They try to view the entire Bible through a Hebrew mindset and adhere to YHWH’s teachings instead of allowing themselves to be swayed by man’s opinions, as He clearly stated in Matthew 5:17-18. that He did NOT abolish the Law/Torah, but came to fulfill it.

It’s normal to confuse Hebrew word-roots, especially between the two words, Natsarim and Nazirite. We actually become a Natsari because we follow Yeshua/Jesus. Paul was a member of the sect of the Pharisees, but became a Natsari. (Yahusha is another Hebrew spelling of Jesus’ name.)

The Natsarim means the Watchmen, as spoken of in the Prophets (Old Testament) and Brit Hadasaha (New Testament). The first followers of Yahusha were called the Natsarim. They were not accepted by the teachers of Judaism nor the early Christian church.

The Dead Sea Scrolls provide the Jewish context of the early Netzari Faith, those of the Way. The Early Believers Called: HaDerech (The Way)The Natsari-Netzarim-Natzraya. Most of the Dead Sea Scrolls were fragmentary; not more than a dozen are intact.

Jesus/Yeshua used many idioms. His natsarim/ followers/disciples knew He used them, and in one place they pointed this out: “His taught ones said to Him, ‘See, now You are speaking plainly, and not using figures of speech!’” – John 16:29

These figures of speech refer to the use of idioms.

Cultural idioms can easily be misunderstood when translated literally.

They vary in transparency.

Some of the following are familiar to us.

There are many examples in Modern English which is filled with idioms:

You had me in stitches- (laughing so hard it hurts)

Are you pulling my leg? (Fooling making a joke)

Kill time, (doing something to pass the time)

Blow your mind, (shock surprise )

To read between the lines saying something more than is plainly written

To go for a burton (to stumble or fall over)

Eat your heart out (Intended to make one feel bitterness or pain as they long for something out of reach.)

Feeling under the weather (an illness);

Woke up on the wrong side of the bed (cranky);

Graveyard shift (working the late shift, past midnight);

Have a bone to pick (dispute between people);

Kick the bucket, croak, bite the dust, bought the farm (die);

Silver lining (unforeseen good aspect of a bad situation);

Red herring (distracting or misleading clue);

. . . and so on.

Not understanding how to apply idioms, we can easily get egg on our face. (This idiom means “made to look foolish”).

Why is unlocking the meaning of hebrew idioms and hebraisms important?

It’s because of misinterpretation, we can easily invent things and places we think may are true or really exist; (as in the idea of Purgatory)– which is a syncretism borrowed from Buddhism.

Definition of syncretism – the combination, merging, blending or reconciliation of differing beliefs or practices in religion, philosophy, etc. which were originally from distinctly separate sources.

Religions which have the belief in this realm often receive money in exchange for “indulgences” which are said to reduce or eliminate a fiery torture for “venial sins.” There is no basis for this in the Bible.

No one can be in Purgatory because it doesn’t exist.

Purgatory appeared for the first time in Christian tradition in the late 12th century, and is derived from a Buddhist practice of making offerings for the dead.

Misunderstandings create strongholds (false reasonings).

Some scriptural examples of the use of figurative language in conversation or discourse where in the KJV,

the word “apple” is used where the Hebrew text employs an idiom for an object of incomparable desire. This idiom became a completely different one here, since the Hebrew word does not mean “apple”, either literally or abstractly.

The literal meaning is little man of the eye, child of the eye in Zech 2:8 :


Strongs 892 babah: (baw-baw’)

the apple (of the eye)

Also in Prov. 7:2; Ps. 17:8; Deut. 32:10; as meaning treasured, and very important.

(Makes one wonder if the translator really, really liked apples or maybe he was hungry at the time of writing?)

The “apple of the eye” was the pupil, the aperture at the center of the human eye. At the time the phrase came into use, the pupil was erroneously thought to be a solid, round object and it was called the “apple” because apples were the most commonly encountered spherical objects.

Keep my commandments, and live; and my law as the apple of thine eye. For thus saith the LORD of hosts; After the glory hath he sent me unto the nations which spoiled you: for he that toucheth you toucheth the apple of his eye.

Zechariah 2:8

There are many Hebrew idioms and if we take them literally, we will be very confused.

One familiar phase, “the bride of Jesus/Yeshua,”can be misconstrued.

It’s an idiomatic expression, we know it’s not literally a gender issue but is giving the concept of being like a marriage, because it’s a covenant relationship reflecting total commitment and selfless love.

Another idiom is the idea of first-fruits, meaning first-born. Idiomatically the idea applies to those in the first resurrection, the bride that will attend the “wedding feast.” This second idiom, “wedding feast,” is an extension of the “bride” idiom.

Some other Hebrew idioms are: 

heart (thinking);

eye of a needle (any task requiring great skill and focus);

bind and loose (forbid and permit, according to Torah);

uncircumcised ears/hearts (lack of commitment to Jesus/Yeshua);

make a wide mouth (sneer);

slept (died);

to receive another heart (change the mind);

lifted up his eyes (saw); 

hate (avoid, or prefer less than another);

your right eye (your will, decision, or fixed goals);

stumbling block (deterrent, obstacle);

throat an open grave (speak deceitfully);

enlarge space (set free);

under the ban (may mean either dedicated only to Jesus/Yeshua, or be completely destroyed);

stiff neck (obstinate);

kiss the son (show loyalty, render pure homage);

bronze forehead (brutish, unhearing);

remove the foreskin of your heart (commit yourself);

hard-hearted (stubborn, unyielding, lacking compassion);

gird up loins (be ready);

open the womb (give birth);

kidneys (guts, inner courage);

flowing with milk & honey (fertile);

living water (Torah observing, love); 

green tree (fruitful, righteous, obedient, and loving one);

dry tree (rebellious, unfruitful, hateful one);

seed (offspring, descendants);

bind and loose (forbid & permit); 

bury my father (collect my inheritance);         (This puts a clearer meaning to Matthew 8:21 “Another disciple said to Jesus, “first let me go bury my father.”Even though he was a disciple his request showed where his heart was focused.)

evil eye (stingy, miserly); 

poor in spirit (humble, selfless, or mourning one);

eagles gathered together (messengers, the weed-reapers at the harvest of the Earth); 

right hand (might, strength);

higher-calling (those selected as the bride, first-fruits, at the first resurrection);

old wine (men’s teachings);

new wine (Truth, freeing a person from men’s teachings).

One cannot serve two masters.

Either we will serve Jesus/Yeshua and follow His instructions, or we will follow men’s teaching authority and “fall into a ditch” (be taken away by deceptive teachings).

Dictionary definition idiom /íddim/ n. 1. fixed expression with nonliteral meaning a fixed, distinctive, and often colorful expression whose meaning cannot be understood from the combined meanings of its individual words, the way of using a particular language that comes naturally to its native speakers and involves both knowledge of its grammar and familiarity with its usage..or

an idiom is an expression in a language which has a unique meaning which cannot be understood from the meanings of its parts.

These are all easily understood expressions by our contemporaries; but for those for whom English is a second language, these simple idioms would require explaining.

The same is true for the hebrew language and there are many idioms that are used in the scriptures. When Messiah Jesus/Yeshua was talking and teaching His disciples, He often used idioms that the listeners were familiar with. He also used everyday objects and events that they understood which explained the things He was teaching more clearly and made the examples more personal to their lives and situations.

To fully understand the concept of a Hebrew idiom is that it is a figure of speech that reflected the culture and times in which it was used.

Many NT Greek idioms are literal translations of Hebrew idioms. The boundary between idioms and other figures of speech is not always clear cut in the literature of NT Greek.

In many cases, what are called idioms should, technically, often be analyzed as other figures of speech, such as metonymy, euphemism, etc.

A Euphemism is a mild or indirect word or expression substituted for one considered to be too harsh or blunt when referring to something unpleasant or embarrassing.

Perhaps this is to be expected, since idioms often derive from dead metaphors.

Actually, throughout the Hebrew bible there are hundreds of cultural idioms that, through translation into English, have lost their concrete and originally colorful meanings.

English speaking readers who wonder about the significance of phrases such as, suck the milk of nations, but with knowledge (straight from the horse’s mouth), explain it as: getting the wealth of other countries.

Most scripture was originally written in the Hebrew and Aramaic languages. For hundreds of years, Hebrew idioms have been ‘literally’ translated into English. So ancient manuscript which were written to a Jewish culture have been altered to fit modern society. When we read the scriptures, we read the work of translators and scholars who have transformed an ancient document by substituting English words for the original Hebrew.

Consequently, Hebrew thought is lost. The words are there, but the meaning is missing.  

Lack of knowing Hebrew and not understanding the unique Jewish mindset has robbed our scripture study of the richness and variety of Hebrew scripture with its poetic, visually descriptive metaphors and analogies.

For an extended list of idioms and meanings which are too good to ignore but TOO long to incorporate in one post! .. please click link below.

May 2019 be a shannah of Shalom to all who are reading ..many blessings to and from all MMM friends and family.

Click link below:

There is no idiom or substitute for salvation so..

Please Do Not leave this page without the surety in your heart that you have Him in your life and heart..



Make sure Messiah Jesus/Yeshua is your Redeemer, Savior, Lord and soon returning King and that you have a personal relationship with Him.

Its all about Life and Relationship, NOT Religion.

You are greatly loved and very precious in His sight.

He longs to give you the Shalom He paid the ultimate price for..


Heavenly Father I come to you in the Name of Jesus/Yeshua asking for forgiveness of my sins for which I am truly sorry. I repent of them all and turn away from my past.

I believe with my heart and confess with my mouth that Jesus/Yeshua is your Son and that He died on the cross at calvary to pay the price for my sin, so that I might be forgiven and have eternal life in the kingdom of Heaven. Father I believe that Jesus/Yeshua rose from the dead and I ask you to come into my life right now and be my personal Savior and Lord and I will worship you all the days of my life. Because your word is truth I say that I am now forgiven and born again and by faith I am washed clean with the blood of Jesus/Yeshua. Thank you that you have accepted me into your family in Jesus’/Yeshua’s name. Amen.

Christmas Bonus

I Will NEVER Leave You – Secrets Of The Seven Seasons.

At this time of year whether you are a believer or not most of the world focuses on Christmas/ New Year and everything that it encompasses.

This season can evoke a plethora of emotions, and for as many reasons, both good and bad.

This may be the first Christmas without a loved one.

It may be an annual reminder of a tragic event and of great or sudden loss.

Maybe there is no family to share the time with due to circumstances and events such as separation, divorce, abandonment, sickness and a host of other reasons.

Nothing highlights all these scenarios more than a traditional family time gathering.

It often amplifies the loneliness, depression and disappointment that can settle on individual lives at a time when everybody else seems to be enjoying themselves surrounded by family food festivities and gifts galore.

On the flip side – for some, the gathering together of family members is not a happy time at all. No one really wants to be there and the siblings and the in-laws don’t get on together.

The visits end in fights and feuds and everyone leaves wishing they’ve never gone. Many face the prospect of paying off credit cards that they have maxed out feeling they had to buy everybody something, it takes a whole year to pay it down and then they do it all over again!

The western tradition of Christmas has lost much of the real reason for the celebration. It has become simply a commercial time and is symbolic of excess and over doing in every area of the flesh life.

For those who believe in the reality of the son of God who was born in Bethlehem, and who are born-again by the spirit of the living God, believing that He gave His life so that we could be reconciled to the Father. We do not rely on one specific day to celebrate His presence in our lives, He is our life.

If you are physically alone this Christmas, be encouraged, there are thousands of people in the same situation. Many have lost their homes and everything in them this year, as well as family members. There are countless worse things that can happen to a person other than getting the gift they did not want.

The love of the father does not change because it’s a particular day of our Gregorian calendar year. His loving kindness never changes and is there for us every moment of every day.

No one is ever truly alone for His presence never leaves us nor forsakes us. Scripture says that He is close to those that are brokenhearted and He watches over His people. He sees what they are going through in these critical times, and He knows their innermost feelings.  2Timothy 3:1; Acts 17:27.

He is near to those that are broken at heart; and those who are crushed in spirit he saves. Ps.34:18. 

One of the things He came to do is recorded His own words in Luke 14:18 fulfilling the prophecy of Isaiah:

He came to heal the broken hearted.

He is no respecter of persons and each reader can rely completely on this promise from His own lips.

If you are alone consider it a good thing. Many people are too afraid to be alone. They are afraid of silence and their own thoughts. They keep busy all the time with noise, noise and more noise. Whether it’s music, voices, TV, radio, social media what ever the source, it serves to block out what ever they are trying to forget.

It is hard for our Fathers’ Holy Spirit to get our attention when there is always so much activity going on. Busy, busy, busy, stress, stress, stress, getting nowhere fast. Some people always have to be doing something they cannot just be still and know that He is God. (A picture of Martha and Mary.)

They are missing the true end and scope of life, which is God. So embrace the silence and the quiet time, enjoy being alone with our Father, with no distractions or interruptions, nothing to do but sit and immerse yourself in His wonderful presence and let His healing power flood our entire being.

It’s not the date, the day, the company, or lack of it that is important but where our focus rests.

Secrets of the Seven Seasons

 Seven is a Number used many times in scripture as noted in previous posts. It is up to each individual concerning whether to celebrate Christmas or not. It is certainly never wrong to remember His first coming, if there wasn’t a first there couldn’t be a second!

It is worth mentioning here that God’s year is not based on our year and His Calendar structure came long before ours did. His birth is not an isolated historical fact and should not be seen as such, and here is why.

He set up the year, which we can see in this present age, according to the pattern set out in the Old Testament. (Lev. 23.) His year begins at Pesach/Passover, and the mystery it holds foreshadows the death of the lamb, beginning the age with salvation. It is symbolized by a cup and a piece of matzo bread. (emblems of His body and His Blood of the re-newed covenant)

Next is Yom Resheet, the date when the first fruits of the Spring harvest are lifted up to the Lord. The mystery within the second appointed date foreshadows the day of first fruits as Messiah is lifted up from the dead in the raising up of Him as the first fruits of new life, the resurrection. It is symbolized by a sheaf of barley.

Symbolized by sheaves of wheat and two loaves of bread is the third appointed event and it holds another mystery. The feast of Shavuot launches the summer harvest and foreshadows the feast of Pentecost, which was the giving of the Ruach, His Spirit and was the launching of the harvest of this age.

The fourth appointed time is the great harvest of the summer. Here the mystery foreshadows the harvest of the nations, it is the time of the gospel, of sowing and reaping and going to the ends of the World with the word of salvation. This is the time that we are in now. It is symbolized by grains, figs, grapes and olives.

Here there is a gap in the seasons as we come to the fifth mystery of the feast of trumpets. This has yet to come to pass prophetically and it foretells the sounding of the trumpets; which will happen at the end of the age, to declare the coming of the King. It is symbolized by a shofar or rams horn.

Symbolized by a cloth, a piece of a curtain, embroidered with cherubim is the sixth mystery of Yom Kippur. This is the day of atonement when man and God are face to face. The mystery within this appointed time foreshadows the day of judgment and salvation when man and God will stand face-to-face.

The final and seventh mystery symbolized by branches of the Lulav and citrus fruit. It is called the feast of tabernacles or booths/Sukkot. Hidden within it meaning is the mystery telling the age of the kingdom to come when God will live/ abide/tabernacle, among us and we will forever be with Him. Then the mystery of the age will all be fulfilled.

If Messiah was born in the Spring it would have coincided with Pesach,Passover, the lamb of God and sacrifice and if in the autumn it would be Sukkot and the tabernacling with mankind. Either is significant. There is a way to calculate from the date of Zechariahs visitation as mentioned in a previous post as well as more on each feast. However not the focus here.

These times of the year, plus Hanukkah are those planned by our heavenly Father and have wonderful meaning to us as believers in Messiah Jesus as we have the mysteries of the ages revealed to us by understanding their true origins. His birthday was just one day and He never told us to remember it but rather to remember what He was teaching.

People decided to focus on a date and it may have had the initial goal of evangelism and making sure His first coming was not forgotten. The world back then did not function in the same way ours does, they had no alarm reminders of any kind, just the annual cycle of God’s seasons. He said remember Me as often as you do this, by taking communion, and doing what He has asked us to and to, and being continually prepared, and ready for His return at His second coming.

In Christmas, as His birthday, we are looking 2000+ years in retrospect, we need to be looking forward and upward, for our redemption does indeed draw close. He rose and will return as surely as He came then.

Wherever you are, whatever predicament you find yourself in, be encouraged. Father knows where you are and sees you and understands your needs at this moment. Simply ask, cry out for what you need Him to be for and to you and He will answer.

His promises never fail.

Call to me and I will answer….

Prayers go out to to each and every one over these few days of Christmas/New Year and especially all who have been affected by the worldwide natural/weather disasters.

So although it’s not a biblical holyday and it was by man’s design which began in the middle of the 8th century. The disciples did not celebrate it nor did the early church. However as believers in Jesus the Messiah/ Yeshua HaMashiach, let’s open our hearts for His all encompassing presence and let Him fill us with His joy, which is not the shallow frivolity of the world but the source of all spiritual strength; which will sustain us, bringing healing in all its fullness.

With God we are never alone, we may physically be by ourselves but by abiding in Him we are never truly alone and are always a part of the ‘called apart ecclesia’, the true remnant and body of Messiah.

The shortest day of the year has already passed it gets brighter from here on; and as the path of the righteous is to the light of dawn, shining brighter and brighter until midday.

Receive the loving thoughts and prayers of the congregation of His family/Mishpachah in Jesus/Yeshua’s Name.

And remember

for He has said, “I will never[under any circumstances] desert you [nor give you up nor leave you without support, nor will I in any degree leave you helpless], nor will I forsake or let you down or relax My hold on you [assuredly not]!” So we take comfort and are encouraged and confidently say, “The Lord is my Helper [in time of need], I will not be afraid.
What will man do to me?” Hebrews 13:4-6 Amplified Bible (AMP)

Tears may endure for a night but Joy comes with

This time of year we think of random acts of kindness of unsung heroes, the ones that are not known by anyone but the Father. Many of these acts of kindness and courage have been revealed by those who were helped and…

Here is a link to 2 short videos that that really touches the heart and sums up a real hero with great courage.

If watched in order the 2nd will expound on the first. .

This precious hero has now gone home to receive his heavenly reward but lived to the grand old age of 106!

Father knows and He cares…deeply!

He is EMMANUEL- God with us!

Shalom, shalom!

Please Do Not leave this page without the surety that you have the mender of broken hearts in your life..



Make sure Messiah Jesus/Yeshua is your Redeemer, Savior, Lord and soon returning King and that you have a personal relationship with Him.

Its all about Life and Relationship, NOT Religion.

You are greatly loved and very precious in His sight.

He longs to give you the healing He paid the ultimate price for..


Heavenly Father I come to you in the Name of Jesus/Yeshua asking for forgiveness of my sins for which I am truly sorry. I repent of them all and turn away from my past.

I believe with my heart and confess with my mouth that Jesus/Yeshua is your Son and that He died on the cross at calvary to pay the price for my sin, so that I might be forgiven and have eternal life in the kingdom of Heaven. Father I believe that Jesus/Yeshua rose from the dead and I ask you to come into my life right now and be my personal Savior and Lord and I will worship you all the days of my life. Because your word is truth I say that I am now forgiven and born again and by faith I am washed clean with the blood of Jesus/Yeshua. Thank you that you have accepted me into your family in Jesus’/Yeshua’s name. Amen.

A Missing Piece?

Is there a missing peace in our Christmas festivities?

Amid the annual fuss and flurry, shopping and stress…

Pause a mini manna moment…

and assess the real reason for the season.

Yes, the impact of that phrase has been diminished by it’s overuse.

However its’ TRUTH remains forever pertinent. He is the bridge the WAY of reconciliation.

During this season our focus often strays from our savior, to that which has become so commercialized and gift oriented, that we forget the greatest gift that ever was given should be the primary focus and IS The MISSING PEACE/PIECE in too many ‘Christmas’ events and gatherings.


It’s all about the presence

not the presents,

because He is the star

of the house of bread.


בֵּית לֶחֶם

Bethlehem Is the Greek spelling of the Hebrew name BEIT LECHEM meaning house of bread, in what more appropriate place could he have been born, the one who said, for the bread of God is that which descends from heaven and gives life to the world. John 6:33

Bethlehem (/ˈbɛθlɪhɛm/; Arabic: بيت لحم‎ Bayt Lahm Arabic pronunciation: [beːt.laħm], “House of Meat”;

Hebrew: בֵּית לֶחֶם‬ Bet Lehem, Hebrew pronunciation: [bet ˈleχem], “House of Bread”;

Ancient Greek: Βηθλεέμ Greek pronunciation: [bɛːtʰle.ém]; 

More Insights at related posts – links below: .

How do we see things?

We miss so much, its all about perception and what we focus on…

our eyes are a gift; so what do we see?

There are so many sights happening around us.

Hebrew letter Tav at the end of a lightening bolt!

So many amazingsigns in the heavens,in the sky,the moon and stars

Nov. 19th, Northern Lights Tromsø, Norway,Phoenix appears in aurora over Senja, Norway Nov. 11thSky over Portugal abovebelow in Swedens’ skies.

There’s a comet passing by and has been dubbed the Christmas comet.

Its’ closest approach was 16th December.

The comet 46P Wirtanen near the Pleiades on Dec.16th 2018 Visible to the naked eye, a reminder of the star that the wise men followed and amazingly in the same location as the one they saw which they interpreted as meaning that a king had been born in Beit Lechem of Judea .and where the Lamb of God was born and wrapped in swaddling clothes.

Which star are we following which star is leading us? And where is it headed?

Make sure it’s the bright shining of Messiah and not an angel of light!

Instead of looking down to our digital devices let’s look up to where our help comes from.

Look up, at the amazing phenomena happening all around this beautiful earth which He spoke into existence.

There is nothing wrong with remembering Him as a baby as long as it does not detract from His purpose in coming  – we celebrate His miraculous birth and yet it was just the beginning. As believers, we know He is Risen and that our soon returning King is no longer a helpless infant.

His life, death, resurrection and soon return, should be our prime motivation in any purpose of gathering together. Not the food, or the gifts, or the traps and trappings, all designed by purveyors of commercial things, who all vie for our hard earned money.

They ply their never ending temptations directly to our wants, lusts, traditions and culture and promote everything except what we should be thinking of.

A little research will confirm the somewhat non Christian roots of many traditions we entertain; like santa clause, etc. The exact time of year when Messiah Jesus was born, is possibly correlating more accurately to the Hebrew season of either Passover in the spring, which some scholars say and others point to the season of Succoth, which is our Sept/Oct and not Dec 25th. However the exact date is not the critical issue. The focus of our love intention and heart motivation is.

Our attention is linked to our intention.

What we give our time to and in what order and capacity.

It’s all about our souls’ desire and our spirits’ well-being.

The missing piece should not be peace missing in your spirit, soul and heart; we should be filled with the peace He came to bring us. Just as the Angels declared it to those shepherds in the fields.

True biblical shalom refers to an inward sense of completeness or wholeness. Although it can describe the absence of war, a majority of biblical references refer to an inner completeness and tranquility. today, when we greet someone or say goodbye, in Israel you say, Shalom.

We are literally saying, “may you be full of well-being” or, “may health and prosperity be upon you.”
Hebrew words go beyond their spoken pronunciation. Each Hebrew word conveys feeling, intent and emotion. Shalom is more then just simply peace; it is a complete peace. It is a feeling of contentment, completeness, wholeness, well being and harmony.

According to Strong’s Concordance 7965 Shalom means completeness, wholeness, health, peace, welfare, safety soundness, tranquility, prosperity, perfectness, fullness, rest, harmony, the absence of agitation or discord.

Shalom comes from the root verb shalam meaning to be safe in mind, body, or estate. to be complete, perfect and full. In modern Hebrew the obviously related word Shelem means to pay for, and Shulam means to be fully paid.

So when Jesus/Yeshua said, My Peace I give to you, My Peace I leave with you, the meaning of fully paid, takes on a deeper concept, that of Gal. 3:13 and Col.1:14

Paid The Price. (Shulam)

… He himself bore our sins in his body on the tree, that we might die to sin and live to righteousness.  

What do we see?

And Messiah Himself said He was both giving and leaving His Shalom with us. Not like the world can understand but His peace – the missing peace – If it wasn’t missing He would have had no need or reason to say what He did.

Messiah Jesus/Yeshua is called Sar shalom, Prince of Peace, which perfectly describes the ministry and personality of our Messiah (Isaiah 9:6).

Shalom is taken from the root word shalam, which means, to be safe in mind, body, or estate.

It speaks of completeness, fullness, or a type of wholeness that encourages you to give back — to generously re-pay something in some way.

If this is the way we understand biblical peace, then suddenly many verses take on a whole new meaning.

Because each Hebrew word conveys feeling, intent and emotion, Shalom is more then just simply peace; it is a complete peace. It is a feeling of contentment, completeness, wholeness, well being and harmony. Nothing is missing or broken and no good thing is withheld.

Each of the 22 letters of the Hebrew alphabet has a special meaning and a story to tell. The Hebrew letters spelling the word “shalom” are Shin Lamed Vav Mem sofit. Taken together, and reading from right to left, they spell SHALOM.

SHIN is the 21st letter of the Hebrew alphabet and it has a numerical value of 300. SHIN means TOOTH, YEAR, REPEAT, TEACH. SHIN makes the sound SHHHH when the DOT is on the right, and SSSS when the DOT is on he left. Shin is one of 7 letters which may be adorned with Tagin, or little crowns, in the Torah, Tefillin or Mezzuzah scroll.

LAMED is the 12th letter of the Hebrew alphabet and has a numerical value of 30. Lamed makes a sound like the L in Like. Lamed means both TO LEARN and TO TEACH. The Lamed is the tallest and most majestic of all the letters. Since LAMED means LEARNING, it would seem that this would constitute a direct connection between LAMED, LEARNING and YHWH.

VAV is the 6th letter, has a numerical value of 6, and is constructed of a single vertical line. Vav means HOOK and makes a sound like the V in Victory. When used as a vowel, Vav can sound like a long o or a long u. Translated it means AND. It is the GREAT CONNECTOR. Vav appears in the Four Letter name of YHWH our Elohim – Yud Hey Vav Hey.

MEM is the 13th letter of the Hebrew alphabet and has a numerical value of 40. Mem makes a sound like the M in Middle. But according to an ancient text the MEM hummms! Mem is usually associated with the word mayim – WATER or Eemah – MOTHER. Mem is composed of a Caf (20) and a Vav (6) = 26, which have the same GEMATRIA as the Yud (10) Hey (5) Vav (6) Hey (5) = 26, name of God – the holiest of Name of God. The first word in Torah is Bereshit, meaning: A BEGINNING. If you divide Bereshit into bara and sheet, it means HE CREATED SIX (sheet is 6 in Aramaic) meaning The 6 days in which creation was completed.

Matt. 1:21. She will bear a Son, and you shall call His name Jesus [the Greek form of the Hebrew Joshua, which means Savior], for He will save His people from their sins [that is, prevent them from failing and missing the true end and scope of life, which is God].

This is why He came and the world is in danger of leaving Him out of the annual celebration of His birth.This year let us be the ones to refocus the attention of those we are with, to the Sar Shalom/Prince of Peace; whose gift of forgiveness, salvation and eternal life will not break, or have to be returned because it’s the wrong size! Let us guide our family, friends, coworkers and neighbors to the present giver.

(It is rather disturbing that santa and satan is just one letter different by removing n from the center to the end of the word!?)

There is nothing wrong with giving, on the contrary it is the central message of the gospel – He GAVE His only Son.

And it truly is, more blessed to give than to receive. This is a principle based on Hebrew thought that the person in need is actually the reason we are able to be blessed; because they have a need, we have the opportunity to be blessed to give and should be grateful for that chance.

We can give in many ways our time, our talents, our money, our resources, our love, our attention, our prayers, etc. It’s as always, the motivation of the heart and why we do what we do that determines the quality of our gift; and it truly is the thought that counts. What one may see as a useless gift, was on the givers end their way of showing their love and fond thoughts. The old adage of don’t look a gift horse in the mouth reveals an ungrateful attitude.  While we celebrate the true meaning behind the worlds façade, when we look at the twinkling lights… let’s remember, as we did at Hanukkah, He is the light of the world, of our lives and the hope of tomorrow.

This new year, as the Gregorian calendar changes to 2019, we remember the Fathers’ calendar and what time it really is.   It’s 5779 and time is running out.

So instead of scheduling the attendance to an annual Christmas service, crammed in between everything else, let’s make Him the central focus of all we do this Christmas time. After all, the reference to Him as Messiah/Christ is why it’s called Christmas.

The date is not as important as how we spend our time and what we focus on. For believers every day is just as special, its not just for one or two times a year.So indeed it truly is, Joy to the world for the Lord is come – and He is Coming again …soon!

Is there a missing piece in your plans?

Maybe what’s missing is the Peace of the Son of Man, Jesus the Messiah!

He’s the one who completes the picture.He is the last piece in the puzzle and the glue that holds everything together by the Word of His power.

Let us look for a star of guidance and wisely seek Him in our own lives and be willing to follow wherever He leads.He is the light from on high that dawns upon us to guide our feet into the WAY of Shalom.

We may never intellectually comprehend the miracle of His incarnation and all its’ majestic mystery with our natural finite minds.Let’s rather follow the example of the wise men, who, after following the star, they then fell down in humble worship on finding Him.Make sure the true Shalom is the present that we give to others and that you receive His gift to you.

Much love and abundant blessings to every subscriber, follower, FB friends and of course much Shalom from your MMM Mishpachah.

MMM just passed 2 years of internet presence and will continue to post with the Fathers’/Avinu’s guidance. for subscribing and your faithful support in prayer.  

More Insights at related posts – links below: .

Please Do Not leave this page without the surety in your heart that you have His peace in your life and heart..



Make sure Messiah Jesus/Yeshua is your Redeemer, Savior, Lord and soon returning King and that you have a personal relationship with Him.

Its all about Life and Relationship, NOT Religion.

You are greatly loved and very precious in His sight.

He longs to give you the Shalom He paid the ultimate price for..


Heavenly Father I come to you in the Name of Jesus/Yeshua asking for forgiveness of my sins for which I am truly sorry. I repent of them all and turn away from my past.

I believe with my heart and confess with my mouth that Jesus/Yeshua is your Son and that He died on the cross at calvary to pay the price for my sin, so that I might be forgiven and have eternal life in the kingdom of Heaven. Father I believe that Jesus/Yeshua rose from the dead and I ask you to come into my life right now and be my personal Savior and Lord and I will worship you all the days of my life. Because your word is truth I say that I am now forgiven and born again and by faith I am washed clean with the blood of Jesus/Yeshua. Thank you that you have accepted me into your family in Jesus’/Yeshua’s name. Amen.











What Does The Mysterious Roy G Biv Reveal About Ahavah?

Is it perhaps an emerald green like the color of the rainbow around our Heavenly Fathers Throne?

Or could it be blue

like the firmament of the heavens..?

the same as the color of a sapphire?

Here is a very curious find…

“Skystone” or “Stone of Heaven” is an odd type of blue stone and was discovered during archeological excavations in Sierra Leone, West Africa.

Angelo Pitoni, the archeologist who found the stone,

was puzzled by its appearance, so he sent it to be investigated by laboratories of the University of Geneva and according to analysis.

 A piece of Sky Stone being prepared for cutting.

An amazing ,77.17% of the stone, is somehow made of pure OXYGEN, yet harder than diamond, unnatural to earth and has strong carbon and silica (glass) in it! The remaining percentage was divided between carbon, silicon, calcium and sodium.


The composition makes the “Sky Stone” similar to a kind of concrete or stucco, and seems to have been artificially colored.

The natives living in the area where the stone was found, already knew about its existence because this stone-like artifact used to pop out during the digging in the area.

Another mystery related to the stone of heaven is that this artifact is always found in soil layers dating to at least 12000 BC. 

Could the sky stone be part of the firmament ?

Or is this like that which Moses, Aaron, Nadab, Abihu and the 70 elders saw in Ex. 24:9-10 (NASB)?


Or is the color of

maybe gold

like the sea of glass – the purest transparent gold that the streets of heaven are made of?

God is love (1 John 4:8), the very nature of the Creator is under scrutiny when love is considered…

We are used to hearing the definition of Love in Greek which has many different words to describe various types of love. Some say 3, some 6 and others 8.

In ancient Greek, the three words for love with which we are more familiar: eros, philia, and agape.

Eros: The first kind of love was named after the Greek god of fertility, it represented the idea of, a physical love, passion and desire between husband and wife. the root word is found in erotic. The Modern Greek word ” erotas ” means “(romantic) love.

Philia/Philos, as in ‘brotherly’ love, The love between two members of the family, love of Mankind, broader human relationships, or deep friendship; the root word is found in ‘ Philadelphia’.

Agape, a really high relationship with the Godhead, the love of God for Man; or love for everyone. As a verb Agapo means “I love”; Agapetos means “beloved.”

the next 3 are:

Ludus, or playful love.

Philautia, or love of the self.

Pragma, or longstanding love.

The other 2 are:

Storge, Affection, as in love for babies children, pets.

Mania, a combination of Eros and Ludus: Obsessive, troubled, intense, madness.

In English we have a number of words for love: fondness, adoration, cherishing, etc.

Ahava (Ah-ha-vah) is the Hebrew word for love.

Hebrew was not just created by God, but it is the language through which He spoke in creating the world.

Much wisdom is attributed to the words and letters in the Hebrew language and understanding the concepts that are incorporated in words can help us in our own lives.  

Hebrew is a living language, a language of the heart/lev and it is a power-filled force that helps us better know the Bible and it’s author.  Each Hebrew letter is a sign, a symbol, a sound, and a number; and maybe even a color?  By digging into the depths of the original language of the Bible we can better grasp its message. 

The word “love” which is thrown about so freely in English that everyone uses for everything has a special meaning in Hebrew.

Love or “ahavah” in the Hebraic mind is very different in today’s culture. In the Hebrew, love is connected directly with action and obedience.

Strong’s Exhaustive Dictionary defines ahavah as “to have affection, sexually or otherwise, love, like, to befriend, to be intimate.” 

Hebraically ahavah is a verb and a noun, it is an act of doing. Ahava is not just a feeling.

It brings to mind the idea of longing for or breathing for another.

To get a clear understanding of ahavah, let’s examine the Hebrew word itself and learn what it means to love Hebraically.

 Most Hebrew words can be broken down to a three-consonant root word that contains the essence of the word’s meaning.   

Love in Hebrew is “Ahavah” , which is made up of three basic Hebrew letters,

 These three letters actually are broken down into two parts: a two letter base or root,

and the first letter,

which is a modifier.

The root word of ahavah is “ahav.”

The term ahav in Hebrew means, “to give.”


The Hebrew word “ahavah” is spelled

“aleph, hei, bet, hei.” 

The root word ahav is spelled “aleph, hei, bet.”

These Hebrew letters reveal a secret of love hidden for thousands of years. This secret is exposed through the meaning behind each Hebrew letter in “ahav.” 

Hebrew is read from right to right to left.  The first letter of the Hebrew alphabet is also the first letter in “ahav.” 

This is the aleph.

The first letter of the Hebrew alphabet is also the first letter in “ahav.” This is the aleph this letter has the numerical value of one. Aleph symbolizes the one and only Eternal God. In Revelation 22:13,  Jesus/Yeshua called Himself the Aleph and the Tav. Aleph is a picture of God our Father and His creation. There is one Father Creator.

God our Father – Abba/Avinu

Jesus/Yeshua said that this is the number one commandment in Matt.22:37-39. The first of all commandments is, Shema O Yisra’el; the Master /God is our Father. God our Abba/Avinu is Echad: and you shall ahava (love) the Master/ God our Father with all your lev (heart), and with all your being, and with all your mind, and with all your strength: this is the first commandment. And the second is like it; You shall love your neighbor as yourself. There are no other commandments greater than these,” Mark 12:29-31.

Ahavah starts with Aleph. Real ahavah starts with loving God our Father first. Then, as a person has a relationship with God our Father, we can love our neighbor properly.

The next letter of ahav is the “hei.” The letter “hei” is the fifth letter of the aleph-bet. Five is the number of chesed/grace and highly symbolic.

There are five books of the Torah, five fingers on the hand, and King David gathered five smooth stones to kill Goliath. It is through grace or chesed that God our Abba/Avinu loves us. Mankind loves God our Father back through the fifth letter hei. How? Ahavah is shown to Abba/Avinu through hei – through the five books of the Torah. “If you love me, obey my mitzvoth / commandments. If a man loves Me, he will guard My words, and My Abba/Avinu will love him, and We will come to him, and make Our stay with Him,” said Y’shua in John 14:15, 23.

The hei is the means that a person expresses ahavah. You love and give to God our Abba/Avinu by your actions of obedience.

The form of the letter hei, the number five shows how to correctly love Abba/Avinu and man. The three lines of hei are a picture of loving Abba/Avinu with thought, deed, and words. The top horizontal line is the realm of thought. A person’s thoughts should be focused upward on Abba/Avinu and His word. The vertical line to the right is speech. From the abundance of the heart/mind/horizontal line, the mouth speaks because speech comes directly from thought.

The unattached line to the left is deed. Though actions should be connected to our intentions, they often are not. “There are many plans in a man’s heart; nevertheless the counsel of Abba/Avinu shall stand,” Mishlei / Proverbs 19:21.

Man is to unite the three lines through devotion and service. Loving Abba/Avinu with thoughts, words, and deeds is the goal of the hei.

The Beit is the second letter of the Hebrew alphabet. It is the third letter in “ahav.”

(B is also V in Hebrew.)

This letter vividly demonstrates the purpose of all creation. How? Beit is a picture of a house. Abba/Avinu created the world to be a dwelling place in this world below.

The first letter in the Torah is a beit, found in the word Beresheet, Genesis.

The tabernacle was made to create a bayit, or a house, for Abba/Avinu. “Know you not that you are the temple of Abba/Avinu, and that the Spirit of Abba/Avinu dwells in you?” 1 Corinthians 3:16.

The objective of loving Abba/Avinu is to be conformed to His image and represent Him to the world. The two are to walk together.

Beit, is also the number two.

Abba/Avinu plus His servant equals two. Yet in the beit, the two shall become one. Y’shua said, “For where two, or three will assemble together in My Name, there am I in the midst of them,” Matthew 18:20. Ahava starts with loving Abba/Avinu first and foremost through word, deed, and thought.

This type of ahavah creates a house for Abba/Avinu to inhabit. We make a dwelling place or house for Abba/Avinu when we show love by giving to others.

In review, the Hebrew root word for love is “ahav,” spelled “aleph, hei, bet.” The aleph reminds us that we are to love Abba/Avinu first. Hei shows us to express that love by conforming our thoughts, words, and deeds to the five books of the Torah. When love is directed first to Abba/Avinu, then a beit, a house, is built to sustain His presence.

The meaning of the two letter base, is “to give”. The letter “aleph” , which precedes these two letters comes to modify the meaning of the base word, “give”. The meaning of, is “I give” and also “love”.

We now see the connection between the two words, “I give” and “love”. Love is giving. Not only is love giving, but the actual process of giving develops the very connection between the giver and the receiver. The more giving that one does, the greater is the connection.

This, is hebrew thought.

The process of giving is a vehicle through which the giver through his act of giving is able to, through a physical gift  give of himself to another. This act of giving something is not merely helping another but is much more than that. Giving enables us to make a connection to another. When we give to another, that which we give to him/her, could have been utilize to further our own self. Instead, we choose to take that which could have been used for our own needs and instead, use it for someone else.

True ahavah, true love, is more concerned about giving than receiving.

Giving is a condition that creates and sustains love. With out giving, there is no connection that is sustaining.  Giving is the vehicle of love. God so loved the world that He GAVE His only Son.

Love may focus on receiving, but ahavah is all about giving.

Is RED the color of love – from the sacrificial death of Messiah and the Blood that was shed for us? Matt. 26:28.

The true relationships that our meaningful in our lives are those in which mutual giving takes place. The giving may be physical, emotional, intellectual or a combination. Without giving from ourselves, no relationship can be enduring.

That is the secret of love that is revealed to us in the Hebrew language placed within by it’s Creator.

However, love is more than just a word, rather than an emotion, it involves action, in Israel, love is also a way of life!  It is not something that happens “to you” but a condition that you create when you give.

In Hebrew: דודים ,חיבוב ,רחמים ,אהבה, are some words having to do with love.

(The word דודים is sometimes a plural noun; but it also means love, as in Ezekiel 16:8.)

Because in the Hebrew language there aren’t any exact synonyms, each of the apparent synonyms for אהבה, ahava, will point to a slightly different aspect of love.

(The noun for love is ahavah.)

אהבה is the most general word for love, which is used to express all kinds of love and affection, from deep love, to just liking someone or something.

אהב aheb to love (verb) = ah-HAHV is usually translated with to love, but it rather means to be attracted to ,or to be attached to, and that in a rather mechanical way like a magnet to a nail.

It’s used to describe a parent’s attachment to a child,

“you love you” doesn’t make much sense, but it would be:

to a female = at ohevet et atsmekh

to a male = atah ohev et atsmekha

if you are male, your love = ahava shelkha

if you are female, your love = ahava shelakh

The obvious antithesis of this verb is שנא – sane – which means, to hate, and which is identical to the verb that means, to sleep. Sleeping in the Bible is often used in the sense of being inattentive or aloof (Matthew 26:40), which suggests that our verb אהב (aheb) primarily has to do with being attentive and intimate.

דודים is used for love such as that of newlyweds.

חיבוב is close to “cherish.”

רחמים is for a gut-feeling, such as the love of a guardian.

חסד is a verb –  hasad – and is the reason why we see curious words like “loving kindness” or “faithful love” in the Bible.
It appears to have originated as a word that expressed a kind of economic and emotional loyalty among relatives or friends or neighbors, but it appears to have moved into legal jargon as the verb that describes a formal contract or covenant.

In our world the word, contract brings to mind being bound by a law, that when broken will land you in jail. The Hebrew word חסד (hasad),  has primarily to do with human decency and allegiance.


The verb רחם raham – expresses a kind of devotional love that usually goes one way: from a caregiver to the receiver of this care.

It’s often used to describe a parent’s devotion to a child, and subsequently also God’s devotion to mankind.

The Fathers Love is expressed in the 1st covenant was sealed with Noah after the flood and God pointed out to him the rainbow in the heavens which was not before the flood for it had never rained.

For Noah it would serve as a reminder to Him of God’s covenant promises and salvation from the judgment on sin.

If we had never seen one, how would we know what it was – how would someone describe it to you know without tv, the internet or Hollywood to animate it?

Then suddenly came the deluge.

The whole eco system was changed forever after the windows of heaven were opened and the fountains of the deep were broken up.

Note of interest…

They apparently have found an ocean beneath the ocean!! how they know that is in itself a mystery!

The sky above the firmament may have had more of a solid structure like that of ice – frozen precipitation. It’s apparently cold out in space. Just as altitude affects temperature and there is a clear snow line on mountains, with snow on the highest peaks all year round. The higher one goes the colder it gets.

The windows of heaven opening were maybe a way of meaning, the ice is melting and its going to fall to earth.

Water always finds the lowest point flowing down. The amount of precipitation condensed moisture we call rain, is determined by the clouds that form as the earth heats up from the suns rays. The moisture rises as we know heat always rises, and it’s the same principle for how a hot air ballon functions.

The moisture evaporates and condensation, rises up and then hits the cold air in the upper atmosphere and it is transformed into what we see as clouds. The more moisture in the clouds the darker they become in color.

When they become over saturated and too heavy to float, the moisture they contain falls to earth as rain or snow. Friction within the cloud gives rise to lightning which precedes the rain falling harder and faster. Thunder is simply the sound of that electric lightning bolt of energy and we see it before we hear it, because light waves travel faster than sound waves. However this is not a science /physics lesson, although God is the perfect scientist/physics master and man is only at the tip of comprehending all He has created and understanding how His creation functions.

The point of the pre-ramble is to highlight the rainbow, which had probably never been seen prior to the flood, for according to scripture, there was no rain..

Genesis 2:5–6 states that “the LORD God had not caused it to rain upon the earth, and there was not a man to till the ground. But there went up  a mist…

So therefore probably no clouds  however, they may have seen the mist. Gen. 2:8

No Rain? Crazy you may say?

There are desert places today that never see any measurable rainfall so its not impossible.

As a covenant reminder it’s’ His token of love that is perpetual and everlasting in Jesus/Yeshua. The ultimate representation of divine and unconditional love for us.

So as a covenant sign what color is love?

Is it the emerald rainbow described as being around His throne as described in Revelation?

The colors of the rainbow are Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo, (blue-purple) and Violet (red-purple).

An Acronym for the rainbow colors is ROY G BIV – it sounds like the name of a person and makes it easy to remember the order in which we see them.

Through that ‘mysterious name’ we will have the secret color of ahavah revealed to us.

Is it red?

The color of Messiah Jesus/Yeshua’s blood?

The color of the sacrifice that paid for our redemption and forgiveness before we even knew we needed it and certainly did not deserve i?

Orange, golden for the harvest of the first fruit and the gold of the tabernacle furniture together with the mercy seat that speaks of our salvation?

Yellow the color of the sun/son the brightness of His glory. The light beams that come forth from His hands the hiding place of His power. The color of spring, new life, resurrection and the season of First Fruits? 

Is it Green, the color of the green pastures that He leads us to lie down in, His true Shalom? The tranquility and safety of our beloved great shepherd over His sheep.

Or Blue? The color of the heavens and all it promises us as it beckons to our longing hearts. The color of the sea that speaks of humanity and the only One who can reconcile the two back from our broken fellowship and so healing the relationship.

Is Love Indigo? A blue-purple for royalty, of the King of kings and Lord of lords. The ONE/ECHAD, who stepped down into darkness that we should see a great light and turn from our wicked ways and seek His face.

Or could it be Violet? A red-purple of the high priestly garment that He indeed is the propitiation for our sins the only go between that intercedes for us before the Fathers throne. The High Priest of the confession of our faith, of love, that not only ministered in the place of the sacrifice but actually became it.

Is Love White? The color of the high priests garment worn on the most Holy day and representing the robe of righteousness that we are clothed in as our garment of salvation; washed in the blood and cleansed white as snow. The brides adornment and the wedding guests required attire.

Or is it black? As He reminds us of the hidden riches of darkness;

and that He was in the the thick dark cloud 

leading and guiding and protecting.

Or is Love gold? A hue of orange, the purest element known. So pure that Heavens streets are made of it; it does not rust nor corrode. In its’ most purest form, with all the dross removed, it’s transparent; so there is nothing hidden from or obscured – it is pure, like His love.

There is a cyclical element to the color wheel and the numbers are significant

3 primary colors red Yellow and Blue

3 secondary colors orange green and purple (indigo violet)

red + yellow = orange

yellow + blue= green

blue + red= purple

However there are 7 colors in the rainbow –

7 has the meaning of spiritual perfection.

The position in the rainbow shows the secondary color between the primaries that mix to produce it and explains the indigo-violet as each color is next to the one it contains more of; i.e. the blue-purple sits next to blue and the violet next to the red.

These are the colors that are in the visible spectrum of light that our human eyes can identify. There are other spectrums e.g. infra red and black light and that we cannot see with the naked eye but we can see them with the help of technology. There are x rays, gamma rays, and radiation light waves, that we call the aurora borealis.

It’s all a form of energy and helps in describing that God is light.

God   IS…. His covenant sign.

He IS light…

…and John says He is love and He is Light –

so what color is love???

The symbol has been highjacked and used by other groups over the years but interestingly, one of them is not the same rainbow as it only has 6 colors and not seven; and six is the number of man!

The 7 colors can be connected to the 7 feasts,

and also linked to the 12 tribes...and 12 months

 So what color is love???

The way we see all 7 of the rainbow colors is because the beam of white light passes through water droplets and is split or divided into its base elemental light frequencies.

Seen here passing through a prism is the same as the process when light passes through water droplets in the sky forming the rainbow. We know the significance of water = the word of God and that God is light and that there are 7 spirits of God; could they also be represented by the colors?

The diagram above shows the different spectral light and wave forms of light now the atmosphere had changed as the water in the firmament above could not be put back.

So if the white light = God, positioned before the prism…

God is light – God is love and is therefore = to 7 colors after passing through the prism –

So here’s the answer to our question – what color is Love?

It’s all of them!

Ahavah/Love is all the colors rolled into one because God is One –


and so love is also the source – white light – so bright it’s almost blinding.

– and the seven rainbow colors passing through the water of His Word was in Yeshua, the Word made flesh.

It is the sign of His covenant of LOVE in the heavens.

It’s a reminder of His Love in the 7 appointed times and that He is coming back to manifest the heavenly, royal, priestly colors of blue, indigo and violet to fulfill the covenant.

The frequencies that our human eyes can see tells us of His Love and of His seven spirits here to minister to our needs as Holy Spirit/Ruach HaKodesh in 7 colors of Love; all contained within the purest light of righteousness, (white). The white of the robes of His righteousness that He places around us.

The rainbow reminds us of His glory (gold) and His grace, (we come from dark to light, black to white); and because every color of the palette comes from 3 original primaries, with white or black added for hues, shades and tints. He is in every part of His creation and His love shows in every color we see.

Each color is visible because it’s the only 1 of the 7 that is not absorbed by the object that is the visible light. Light is a frequency and travels in waves like the movement of water in the sea. Light apparently travels at 186,000 miles per second, too fast to be followed but we see the result.

When we humbly receive His Light – His visual AHAVAH – it changes us and we are never the same again. No one can remain the same once they have been in the light/love of His presence.

God is light and He must by this understanding, also have frequency as part of His existence, His being. It follows then, that in some measure, as we are His children we are therefore children/beings of that same light.

Eph.5:8. We must walk and

His light was the light of men. While I am with you I am the light of the world You (We) are now the light of the world.

To  recall the simple and innocent saying as a child, this little light of mine… It really is pertinent, we really do need to shine brightly. Let the AHAVAH colors of His covenant shine out through us; as His pure white light shines on us and passes through the Word dwelling in us, emitting the 7 colors and radiating to those in the world around us, the seven spirits of His Ah-HA-VAH.

What color is Ahava???




One day soon no other source of light will be needed for He Himself will be the light. Rev.22:5.

Next time there is a rainbow (ke-shet) in the sky – see ALL the colors of the Father’s Ahavah covenant over our lives.

Shalom Mishpachah, and a special thank you for your prayers, the technical issues seem to have finally been resolved!

Please Do Not leave this page without the surety in your heart that you are a child of His light..



Make sure Messiah Jesus/Yeshua is your Redeemer, Savior, Lord and soon returning King and that you have a personal relationship with Him.

Its all about Life and Relationship, NOT Religion.

You are greatly loved and precious in His sight.


Heavenly Father I come to you in the Name of Jesus/Yeshua asking for forgiveness of my sins for which I am truly sorry. I repent of them all and turn away from my past.

I believe with my heart and confess with my mouth that Jesus/Yeshua is your Son and that He died on the cross at calvary to pay the price for my sin, so that I might be forgiven and have eternal life in the kingdom of Heaven. Father I believe that Jesus/Yeshua rose from the dead and I ask you to come into my life right now and be my personal Savior and Lord and I will worship you all the days of my life. Because your word is truth I say that I am now forgiven and born again and by faith I am washed clean with the blood of Jesus/Yeshua. Thank you that you have accepted me into your family in Jesus’/Yeshua’s name. Amen.