Midweek Mannabite – What Does Purim Mean And Why is Esther Involved?

For those who are new to mmm and the truths to be discovered in our Hebrew heritage; you may not have heard of what is called the

Appointed times of the Lord


the Feasts of Israel.

These times are our Heavenly Fathers’

Rhythm of Life/Chaim.

They are called Moedim in Hebrew


pronounced: Moe-eh-deem.

Here is a brief explanation and links to earlier posts that will assist in our understanding.

The Gregorian/Julian calendar we follow in the west is not solely based on the Biblical days found in Scripture; they have been given other names and dates that have brought confusion in believers understanding. This has caused us to celebrate some things that are not found in the Word of God.

Finding that we have missed out on precious truths in His plans and purposes can be quickly remedied by familiarizing ourselves with what Our Father has clearly set out in His Word. Many times we simply follow what we are told and raised into without reading scripture for ourselves. Many will chime in that the Old Testament laws have been done away with and yet they will quote the Old Testament scriptures on Tithing and follow other requirements; picking out what fits a denominational doctrine and not accurately encompassing the whole Word and counsel of God.

Jesus/Yeshua Himself said in Matthew 5:17-18, as part of His Sermon on the Mount,

Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them. For amen I say unto you, till heaven and earth pass, one jot, or one tittle shall not pass of the law, till all be fulfilled. 

This is what Jesus/Yeshua actually did, by following the Appointed Times of His Father, His life was a fulfillment of what each one represents spiritually.

In our Heavenly Fathers calendar we are approaching the start of the spiritual days of springtime.

The Moedim 


It is a reminder of His plan for humanity

and it is always is heralded by Purim.


This time of the year, Purim, is like

a wake up call, an alarm clock,

that we are quickly entering His annual seasons; and it gives us time to prepare our hearts and clean up our lives, ready to focus our thoughts on all that He has done through His Messiah,

Our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ/ Yeshua Ha Mashiach.

The annual cycle of appointed times/feasts of Israel, are a rehearsal for us in the same way that a bride and groom rehearse the plan of the coming wedding ceremony.

So we, as His bride, rehearse

the plan of the ages every year,

it keeps us close to our

Heavenly Bridegroom and helps our halak/walk,

along the narrow Way/Derek, to stay

within the boundaries He has set for us in His Word.


This year, Purim is March 16 and 17.

March 17-18 in Jerusalem/Yerushalayim.


in Hebrew פּוּרִים

Purim is always a month and a day before Passover/Pesach. 

Purim is celebrated on 14 Adar,

and Passover starts on 15 Nissan. 

Passover is Pesach in Hebrew פסח.

In a Jewish leap year there are 2 x Adars, making for a total of 13 months. In those years, Purim is celebrated during the second Adar, so that it is close to Passover/Pesach.

The reason for this is so that the miraculous salvation and deliverance of Purim,

is as close as possible to the annual reminder of the time of the Exodus;

the miraculous salvation and deliverance of the Hebrews/

the children of Israel, which is also remembered on Passover/Pesach.

This of course parallels the salvation and deliverance from the bondage of the world/Egypt for the believer in Jesus/Yeshua. We were slaves to sin and He came to set us free to serve Him.

Purim remembers the salvation of the Jewish people in ancient Persia from Haman’s plot 

to destroy, kill, and annihilate all the Jews, young and old, infants and women, in a single day.

Purim means lots in ancient Persian.

The holiday was named Purim after the wicked Haman had thrown lots to determine when he would carry out his evil plan. It can be pronounced in several ways.

In the Eastern tradition, it’s pronounced poo-REEM.

In the West, it is often called PUH-rim.

Mordechai was the leader of the Hebrews/Jewish people in Persia, (present day Iran), and Esther was cousin to Mordechai. When Esther was made queen of Persia, she bravely interceded by putting her own life at risk, on behalf of her people. The Book of Esther records the story of their bravery and willingness for self sacrifice.

Because of Esther’s request, the events were written in a scroll which were to be read every year on Purim. This scroll is called the Megillah/Book of Esther and it was one of the last books to be canonized and added into the Tanach/Old Testament.

During this next Month and a Day Before Pesach/Passover

lets prepare ourselves….

Holiness – separated unto the Lord…


Links below to other posts about Purim and Esther:








Shalom, shalom, mishpachah!

You are loved and appreciated and prayed for daily.

Thank you so much for taking the time to read the posts and for all your kind and encouraging comments. Please continue to share with others, like and subscribe for notifications of new postings.  It all helps to freely spread the Gospel to the uttermost parts of the earth and reaches others with the blessing of His Truths that always point us to Our Heavenly Father, Through Jesus/Yeshua by the power of His Holy Spirit/Ruach HaKodesh.

As always, a very warm welcome to each and every subscriber/follower/visitor, both old and new; and remember that the post is best viewed on the Homepage site in full color!

Please don’t leave this page without the knowing in your heart you are totally His.

You are greatly loved and precious in His sight.

Its all about Life and Relationship, not Religion.



Heavenly Father I come to you in the Name of Jesus/Yeshua asking for forgiveness of my sins for which I am truly sorry. I repent of them all and turn away from my past.

I believe with my heart and confess with my mouth that Jesus/Yeshua is your Son and that He died on the cross at calvary to pay the price for my sin, so that I might be forgiven and have eternal life in the kingdom of Heaven. Father I believe that Jesus/Yeshua rose from the dead and I ask you to come into my life right now and be my personal Savior and Lord and I will worship you all the days of my life. Because your word is truth I say that I am now forgiven and born again and by faith I am washed clean with the blood of Jesus/Yeshua. Thank you that you have accepted me into your family in Jesus’/Yeshua’s name.

Where Was Keifa The Week Of Chag haMatzot?

We have just completed the week of

Chag ha Matzot/

Unleavened Bread/ חג המצות

which began with


Exodus 12:13

Passing over into new year and

commemorating the Hebrews’ liberation

from slavery in Egypt and the

passing over

of the forces of destruction,

or the sparing of the firstborn of the Israelites,

when the Lord “smote the land of Egypt”

on the eve of the Exodus.

People wish each other a

kosher and joyous Passover. 

In Hebrew it is:

chag Pesach kasher vesame’ach 


CHAG PEH-sach kah-SHER ve-sah-MAY-ach.

This is the beginning of the spiritual new year/

the cycle of

Appointed Times of the Lord

His Moedim



Firstfruits (ום בכורים),

also called

Reishit Katzir.

Now we are headed into

seven weeks/49days of

counting the Omer



Counting of the Omer (ספירת העומר)

Pentecost (Koinē Greek: Πεντηκοστή)

Also known as the

Feast of Weeks or Shavuot – שָׁבוּעוֹת

This is a time of preparation to be ready to receive the impartation of His Spirit of Holiness/Ruach HaKodesh.

Following His מועדים / Moedim/

Appointed Times /feasts, helps us to stay close to the understanding of their meaning and of how Yeshua/Jesus fulfilled them and also how it affects us in our individual lives.

Traditional Christianity focuses more on Palm Sunday and Resurrection Sunday. Not that there is anything wrong with this, however, there is so much more that we have missed because of a lack of teaching and the lack of understanding of what the Scriptures are really saying to us. (See links at end for more.)

2 Corinthians 3:16 – 18 tells us this.

Where the Spirit of the Lord is there is freedom.

16 But whenever anyone turns to the Lord, the veil is taken away. 17 Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom. 18 And we all, who with unveiled faces contemplate[ a] the Lord’s glory, are being transformed into his image with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit.

Now that we are in Messiah, we have complete and total freedom because the veil is removed.

This is not the freedom to simply do whatever we please; it is freedom from the penalty of sin, which is death.

Romans 6:23

For the wages of sin is death,

but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.

In Messiah we are free to live in the ways of

life /chaim which are:

holiness kedushah קדושה

purity ṭaharah טָהֳרָה

and truth emet אֱמֶת


We are free to be alive in Him because

sin and death no longer bind us.

This scripture also says that,

we are in the process of being transformed

into the same image,

the image of the glory of the Lord.

The process of going from glory to glory is increased every year as we follow the cycle of His Appointed Times.

They are there for us to take the opportunity to annually examine ourselves and to recommit ourselves and allowing Him to bring us higher, into maturity of His spirit by understanding the truth of the abundant life He has provided.

The significance of His Appointed Times becomes clear in the life of Messiah and its purpose is for our growth in the Lord.

 During the days of

Unleavened Bread/ Chag ha Matzot,

the book of Acts 12:3-11

recorded a miraculous incidence

involving Peter/Keifa/Kefa/קיף.

In Hebrew Peter’s name is kef, קיף

spelled kaf-feh meaning rock.

The Jewish tradition regarding Shimon Keifa (his name in Hebrew/Aramaic) can be found in various Medieval sources.

According to these sources his name was Shimon Keifa, which means Shimon the Rock because he was a type of Nazarite (nazir, in Hebrew) who sat for many years on the same rock, praying and learning Torah.

Peter/Keifa was thrown into prison by Herod who thought he could gain a political advantage by persecuting Jewish believers in Yeshua/Jesus.

3 And because he saw that it pleased the Jews, he proceeded further to seize Peter also.

Now it was during the Days of Unleavened Bread.

4  And when he had apprehended him,

he put him in prison, and delivered him to

four quaternions/squads of soldiers to keep him;

intending after Passoveer/Pesach

to bring him forth to the people.

He secured Peter/Keifa in the prison under heavy guard until the time of his sentencing.

Not only was the prison door being watched by guards but his hands were bound with chains as he slept with a soldier on either side of him. His fate seemed certain for there was no obvious escape from this prison.

However Herod had not counted on the fact that there was one who would have no trouble getting inside the prison.

This scripture tells us that was a sudden burst of light

and a messenger/angel/ appeared before Peter

and within seconds the chains fell off his hands.

The soldiers were still asleep and although Peter was still in prison he was no longer chained up, his reality has changed.

But as long as he stayed where he was, he was a free man but still inside the prison.

The only thing holding him back was himself. He needed to get up and go.

For those of us in Messiah our reality has also changed, we have been set free and the chains of sin and death no longer bind us. Some of the change in our lives is up to us because even though He can make the chains fall off from our hands; and even though He can make gates to open before us of their own accord; if we do not rise in haste, gird ourselves, bind on our sandals and put our garments around us and follow Him, we can never be truly free.

Let us rise in haste and be following Him who entered the prison from which no man could escape, that we might be set free. He led us into our deliverance so that we can follow in the way of His salvation.

As disciples of Messiah our identity is also reflected in what was the defining moment for Israel remembered at Passover/Pesach. They left Egypt/Mitzrayim /מצרים and so have we Egypt/Mitzrayim /מצרים is our past.

The Exodus: Hebrew:

יציאת מצרים, Yeẓi’at Miẓrayim

literally: ‘Departure from Egypt’

As the children of Israel saw the way through the sea open up before them leading to their salvation; we trust that He will make a way where there seems to be no way in our own lives.

We need to make that step of faith into the sea to see our Savior; and not be tempted to return to Egypt…

We have a choice…

Galatians 5:1 Stand fast therefore in the liberty wherewith Christ hath made us free, and be not entangled again with the yoke of bondage.

and Messiah has made us free.

Exodus 14:13 fear not and still yourselves and see the salvation of the Lord which he does for you today

for as you have seen the Egyptians/Mitzrayim today you will never see them again.

If we will go forward, this is true for us too.

This last week has reminded us all that Messiah accomplished…

Let us rejoice in the freedom then

with which Messiah has made us free and

stand fast.

Galatians 5:11 Stand fast therefore in the liberty wherewith Christ hath made us free, and be not entangled again with the yoke of bondage. 

Having done all, to stand Ephesians 6:13


Luke 19:13

We were not brought to the edge of the sea to be drowned, or to be dragged away in chains like Peter/קיף/ Keifa.

We are to get up as he did,

and to go forward

out of the prison.

He has delivered us.

In Messiah, our reality has changed.


Let’s not yearn for the things of Egypt/ Mitzrayim that had us bound, but leaving behind the former things, forgetting the past and pressing on towards the future and stay under the Blood of Messiah.

Philippians 3:13-14 Brethren, I do not regard myself as having laid hold of it yet; but one thing I do: forgetting what lies behind and reaching forward to what lies ahead, I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.

Let’s not ponder on things of the past.

This is the spiritual new year

and as we begin

the new cycle of life/chaim/חים;

Chai חי

is a Hebrew word and symbol that means

life, alive, or living.

It is spelled with the Hebrew letters

Chet ח and Yud י.

Adding the letter m/Mem/ם

gives the plural chaim

let’s press forward to the prize of the high calling …

looking unto Jesus/Yeshua the author and finisher of our faith. Hebrews 12:2



Links below for more posts on:

First Fruits, Seder Meal, Afikomen & Omer…






His true שָׁלוֹם / Shalom / Peace

rest upon each one in Jesus/Yeshuas’ Name.

The ancient Hebrew meaning of shalam was

to make something whole”!

‘Mishpachah’ ‘Family’



you are greatly loved and prayed for daily..

May Yeshua make you whole!

This season make sure you are secure

in the knowledge you are saved



Heavenly Father I come to you in the Name of Jesus/Yeshua asking for forgiveness of my sins for which I am truly sorry. I repent of them all and turn away from my past.

I believe with my heart and confess with my mouth that Jesus/Yeshua is your Son and that He died on the cross at calvary to pay the price for my sin, so that I might be forgiven and have eternal life in the kingdom of Heaven. Father I believe that Jesus/Yeshua rose from the dead and I ask you to come into my life right now and be my personal Savior and Lord and I will worship you all the days of my life. Because your word is truth I say that I am now forgiven and born again and by faith I am washed clean with the blood of Jesus/Yeshua. Thank you that you have accepted me into your family in Jesus’/Yeshua’s name. Amen.

More Than One Palm

As this iswhich of course it is referring to the day also called into Jerusalem and the branches of the palm trees. This is the day that palm fronds were waved by the crowds and together with Tallits, (prayer shawls/garments), were laid along the road for Messiah Jesus/Yeshua to ride over.What do Palm branches remind us of …? A tropical beach, southern climates, an oasis in the burning desert, children part of a procession dancing and singing Hosanna to the Son of David?

12 The next day the large crowd that had come to the feast heard that Jesus was coming to Jerusalem. 13 So they took branches of palm trees and went out to meet him, crying out, “Hosanna! Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord, even the King of Israel!” 14 And Jesus found a young donkey and sat on it, just as it is written, 15 “Fear not, daughter of Zion; behold, your king is coming,
 sitting on a donkey’s colt!” (John 12:12-15 ESV)

The custom of palms traditionally at the end of ‘Lent’ in the Christian Church Calendar, can serve to remind us of a certain day in the month of Nisan, over 2000 years ago; because it has its roots in the Judeo/Christian and Hebrew Appointed Times/ Feasts of the children of Israel.In Jewish culture, palms were used for such an event because they are symbols of victory. As Jesus rides into Jerusalem amid shouts of praise and symbols of victory we clearly see the connection.

In the reference to the branch in Isaiah 11:1 Messiah Jesus IS the branch from the stem of Jesse growing out of his roots/stump.

Little did the people know that the victory Jesus would win was neither political nor military in nature but salvation victory.On His way to the cross, Jesus is riding into Jerusalem amid the shouts and palm branches where He won the victory for us over sin, death, and the power of the devil at the cross. The palms also representing the victory that Messiah Jesus/Yeshua won over our sinful, corrupt nature.

Click Link for https://www.minimannamoments.com/palm-sunday-nisan-the-appointed-time-of-the-lamb/

However as our English language often has the same word for two different meanings there is another connection here. Palm doesn’t just mean a certain type of tree, or the branch of that tree; It also refers to the part of our hands from the wrist to the base of the fingers.Our English word palm came from the Latin word for the tree or branch. One source says the word travelled to Northern Europe (where the English language developed) via the Christians bringing the word for the tree they used on Palm Sunday in celebration of Jesus’ triumphal entry into Jerusalem.The English word palm, meaning the part of the hand, is used in an Old Testament Bible passage.

Behold, I have engraved you on the palms of my hands. 

Isaiah 49:16

In Isaiah 49:16 this is a reference declaring that we are written, inscribed, or engraved in the palms of His hands. God says this to us to remind us that He has not – and never will – forget us. Sometimes in stressful situations, it may ‘feel’ that He has; but God says this to us to remind us that He has not – and never will – forget us.And in Ps 31:15Our times are in His HandsWE are in HIS HAND –

Written on His hand.

Isaiah 49:16.See, I have engraved you on the palms of my hands; your walls are ever before me. The word “engraved”, it is an eternal reminder, not just written, but ENGRAVED.

Behold I have graven

I have inscribed chaqaq חַקֹּתִ֑יךְ

(khaw-kak’) chak·ko·tich; to cut in, inscribe, decree; to hack, i.e. engrave (Judges 5:14, to be a scribe simply); by implication, to enact (laws being cut in stone or metal tablets in primitive times) or (gen.) prescribe.

Hebrew word for engrave is haqaq, meaning to mark out, inscribe, portrayed.

Portrayed means a representation of something, or in other words a picture, a picture of us engraved on the hands of the LORD. We look at our hands multiple times a day. When we worship Him they are open before Him, usually with our palms facing upwards in an attitude of openness and humility; giving of our love and gratefulness and also a readiness to receive. 

Our names are written in the Lamb’s Book of Life. Is it possible that our names are written in His Book of Life not with ink, but with the Holy and Precious Blood of Messiah Jesus/Yeshua?

Is it possible that on that day of Triumphal entry, He knew the deeper significance of the word PALM? His Blood was shed on the cross when He died for our sins. Are our names written with the Blood of Jesus that flowed when nails where driven through the palms of His hands – thus marking Him for eternity??As scripture tells us, Jesus is ever interceding for us before the throne of God.. maybe with His hands open in prayer, pointing to them and saying, ‘Look at this one engraved on My palm, look at this picture of them portrayed on my palms. I love them, and I am praying to you Father for them, keep them safe for they are in covenant with Us.’For example a wedding ring on someone’s finger whenever they glance down at it, it is a constant reminder that they are married to someone, they will always think of the one they are married to when they see their wedding ring. However, it is only a temporary token, but to have someone engraved on the palm of the Lord’s hands it is eternal.

I have engraved thee upon the palms of my hands.

 We are on the palms כַּפַּ֖יִם

Hebrew: kaph כַּ (kaf)

The hollow hand or palm, so of the paw of an animal, of the sole, and even of the bowl of a dish or sling, the handle of a bolt, the leaves of a palm-tree); figuratively, power.

kap·pa·yim hollow or flat of the hand, palm, sole (of the foot), a pan from kaphaph Kaf כַּ, meaning Palm, Open hand cover, Allow.

Your walls are ever before me.Isaiah 49:16

Behold, I have graven (8804) thee upon the palms of my hands; thy walls are continually before me. [of My hands]; Your walls חֹומֹתַ֥יִךְ


חוֹמָה Entry for Strong’s #02346 – wall – chômâh   kho-maw’  

In the time in which this was written, walls were used as writing tablets to record the chronological detail of someone’s life, and to display a person’s life achievements, identifying who they were and what they did, including if they had a family, or what kind of possessions they owned.

This amazing verse highlights how interested the LORD is in every detail of our lives. Not only are we engraved upon the palms of His hands, but our lives, ‘the wall of our life’ is before Him.

Nothing is hidden from the Lord, yet he still loves us with an everlasting love.By engraving our names on the palms of His hands He reveals the depths of His love towards us. We need to better understand the meaning of that word ‘engrave’, Its like tatooing. You cannot take it out. Once it is engraved, it is the part of the skin..There is no way to separate both. So our lives with all its boundaries are constantly viewed by God; and because of this promise, we are to have childlike faith and be anxious for nothing.Everything we lack, everything we are, our limitations, our expectations, our hopes and dreams, our brokenness…everything is like an open book before Him. He knows what we are going through, He knows our limits too.

The LORD will never let go of us.Why He has engraved us on His palms?…it’s because He wants to see us everyday, every moment of our lives…because each one of us is precious in His sight. Imagine, the creator of this world, has us on His palms. What else do we need in life? This is to remind us that there is a greater love than all the other relationships that we have on this earth. It is the love of Jesus.

He is the only one who chose to die for us. He shed his blood for us.He suffered the shame and pain to make us His own and we are engraved on His palms. Nobody else or any kind of situation can remove us from there unless we choose to leave, we are constantly in His presence.

He loves us and is constantly praying for us and thinking of us. Listen to tender words of love from Psalm 139:17 (NIV), ‘How precious to me are your thoughts, O God! How vast is the sum of them!’

This Passover season and as we celebrate Palm Sunday remember you were in His thoughts as He prepared to go to the cross.

We were and are Engraved in the palms of His hands, the same hands that were pierced through for our sorrows.

There is another fascinating connection to God, Palms and Israel….

Below a flattened out map shows Israel in the center.The most amazing thing is that the area around Jerusalem, Israel as seen from above, resembles a hand. (Almost like a glove or mitten.)Here are some pictures which seem to reveal that He has His hand positioned on, in and over Israel.Topographic Map of Jerusalem (2 Samuel 5.6-10)

But I have chosen Jerusalem, that my name might be there; and have chosen David to be over my people Israel. 2 Chronicles 6:6

Is the Name of God Hidden on The Mountains of Israel?

A satellite picture made several years agoshows some Hebrew letters formed from the shadow of mountains on top of Israel.

This was looked at in depth in a previous post click link


Significance has been applied to the fact that there are three valleys that comprise the city of Jerusalem’s geography. This also has a connection to palm/hand.The Valley of Ben Hinnom, Tyropoeon Valley, and Kidron Valley, and that these valleys converge to also form the shape of the letter shin, the Temple in Jerusalem located approx. where the dagesh, the horizontal line is.This is seen as a fulfillment of passages such as Deuteronomy 16:2 that instructs the Israelites to celebrate the Pasach at ‘the place the LORD will choose as a dwelling for his Name’. (NIV).

The first letter of ‘Shaddai’ in Hebrew is the letter shin (pronounced ‘sheen’). It is the 21 st letter of the Alef Bet (alphabet). See earlier posts for more.

The pictograph behind it is fire and teeth.

The word shin is spelled, shin-nun, (S N) from 

the Hebrew word for tooth is, shen and has the exact same spelling. Deut 9:3 

It is very significant and because of its importance to Shaddai one of the Names of God, a kohen (priest)  forms the letter Shin with his hands as he recites the Priestly Blessing.

Shaddai, meaning ‘the keeper of the doors of Israel’ and is also inscribed on the mezuzot placed on all the doorways of Jewish homes.The letter Shin is often inscribed on the case containing a mezuzah, a scroll of parchment with Biblical text written on it.

The text contained in the mezuzah is the Shema prayer, which calls the Israelites to love their God with all their heart, soul and strength. The mezuzah is situated upon all the door frames in a home or establishment. Sometimes the whole word Shaddai will be written.

 is said over the people, found in Numbers 6:24-26.

It is fairly well-known. However, lesser known, is the deeper meaning found
in the pictorial language of the ancient Hebrew.
It is not necessary for salvation to know and to search for the deeper meaning
but when we dig a little deeper, we are able to see additional beautiful pieces of the picture our Heavenly Father has been wanting us all to understand that we have all missed out on for so many generations.  In the following the information is:

Hebrew word(s)
English word
Ancient pictorial Hebrew language symbols
Name of the above symbols
Meaning found in the above symbols
Pictorial meaning of the word.

May YHVH bless you..and keep you…YHVH make His face..shineto you (upon you)and be gracious to youYHVH lift upHis countenanceto youand give youpeace.

 It could also be read this way:

YHWH, the head of the house with His own work 
strengthens His own hand

by His work He binds and overpowers the destroyer 
using the authority in His hand

YHWH, the Chief Ruler, He secures life and order, 
His teaching strengthens,

His work secures the hedge of strengthening life-

YHWH’s strong pressing hand lifts up, His work adds living utterance,

He strengthens authority, His hand destroys chaos,

His authority covers destroying the authority attached to chaos.

And we have His Name written upon our hands too, represented as the letter shinis seen in the lines of our palms.

And finally His very Name,Yeshua is also written upon your right hand. (In Hebrew letters):

 the Yud ” י ” (thumb),

the Shin ” ש ” (index/middle/ring),

the Vav ” ו ” (baby)

and the Ayin ” ע ” (palm to wrist).

In Hebrew: Yeshua ישוע (Jesus) אֲדֹנָי .

So everytime we look at our hands during the day remember God specifically tells us that He will not forget us. In fact, He says He cannot forget us because every time He looks at His hands, He remembers us. He has engraved us on the palms of His hands as a reminder of us, as a reminder to us of how much He loves us, as a reminder of what He did because He loves us; and amazingly His Name is recorded on ours! Right palm out and centered over head is our affirmation of Yeshua/Jesus Name. Particularly this coming week, as it is the week leading up to Passover… let’s remember what He did for us recalling His Palms of promise.Of all weeks in the year this is a perfect time to share the gospel message and make certain your family and friends are saved.

 Please don’t leave this page without the certainty in your heart that you are ENGRAVED IN HIS PALM.NOT SURE?


See other posts for details on Passover and His Spring Appointed Times/Feasts.

Not Passing Over

A Final P.S. Hand Of God Spotted By NASAs NuSTAR Space Telescope!

Make certain Jesus is your Redeemer, Savior, Lord and soon returning King and that you have a personal relationship with Him.

You are greatly loved and precious in His sight.

Its all about Life and Relationship, not Religion.



Heavenly Father I come to you in the Name of Jesus asking for forgiveness of my sins for which I am truly sorry. I repent of them and turn away from my past.

I believe with my heart and confess with my mouth that Jesus is your Son and that He died on the cross at calvary to pay the price for my sin, so that I might be forgiven and have eternal life in the kingdom of Heaven. Father I believe that Jesus rose from the dead and I ask you to come into my life right now and be my personal Savior and Lord and I will worship you all the days of my life. Because your word is truth I say that I am now forgiven and born again and by faith I am washed clean with the blood of Jesus. Thank you that you have accepted me into your family in Jesus’ name. Amen.


Endings Are Simply New Beginnings

The final, 8th day, of this feast is known as

Shemini Atzaret,

(Rejoicing in the Torah scriptures)

and brings us to the end of the 7 Appointed Times of the Lord for this annual cycle.

However it is also the beginning of a new calendar cycle and comprises the time in between the last feast and the next, first feast, which is not until the Spring. 

As we come to close of the 7 Annual Appointed Times of the Lord, a few last thoughts remain including an ‘8th day’ mystery, a ‘roof revelation’ and a couple of intriguing points to ponder.

As believers it is important to see the relevance to us.  The instructions and ultimate plan of God as laid out in the old covenant/testament.

Then with the understanding and insights we gain, what we read in the renewed covenant/testament scriptures, begins to make more sense, as we see that everything in God’s Word is connected.

(Prov. 4:7 encourages us, ‘get wisdom, get understanding’.)

Every Hebrew year has two cycles or groups of holy days\ appointed times set in by our Heavenly Father. (As discussed in previous posts.) He has not changed them nor has He told us not to follow the pattern. This is because they all point prophetically to Jesus. Who Himself attended the Feasts, as well as His being their literal fulfillment. They are connected not only in their purpose and themes but also in their timing.

“You shall dwell in sukkot (huts) for seven days . . . so that you will know, for all generations, that I had the Children of Israel dwell in sukkot, when I took them out of the Land of Egypt; I am God, your God” (Lev. 23:42 -43)

 For 40 years, as the Israelites traversed the Sinai Desert prior to their entry into the Holy Land, miraculous clouds of glory surrounded and hovered over them, shielding them from the dangers and discomforts of the desert.

Ever since, God’s kindness is remembered at Sukkot/feast of Tabernacles and trust in His providence is reaffirmed by dwelling in a sukkah, a hut of temporary construction. Also called the feast of Booths which is the meaning of Hebrew word Sukkot,it celebrates the fall harvest with the third first fruits of the growing season. During Sukkot, and each family built a Sukkah, (which is the singular of Sukkot;) or booth, outside the home. This is an activity still practiced today. Lev. 23:39  

It is a flimsy structure of palm branches that provide little else but shade. Heavy rain would penetrate the walls and roof. The family eats all meals inside, it’s a room where visitors and strangers can come.

Sukkot Guests – Ushpizin – אושפיזין

The final, 8th day, of this feast is known as Yom haSh’miyniy’Atzaret, the 8th day assembly.  Sukkot is a holiday of immense joy, where complete trust in God is expressed, and confidence from Yom Kippur is celebrated in having received a ‘good judgment’, for the coming year. God is our ultimate protection – just as He protected the Israelites in the desert with the Clouds of Glory He will protect those who obey His Word. (Exodus 13:21).During this week Ex. 33:12–34:26; Ezek.38:18–39:16; Rev. 21:1–22:21 are read because according to teachings, this war will be waged during the month of Tishri, same month in which the holiday of Sukkot (Feast of Tabernacles) falls.

Interestingly enough, the war that is described in Ezekiel is similar to the war described in (Zech. 14:16–17). In Zechariah we learn that the Gentiles who survive the war against Israel, will be required to keep Sukkot annually, by coming up to the Holy City of Jerusalem to worship the Lord.Sukkot in Jerusalem  at the Western (Wailing) Wall.

Gog and Magog – Challenge to the Restoration of Israel

“This is what will happen in that day: When Gog attacks the land of Israel, My hot anger will be aroused.”  (Ezekiel 38:18)

Gog is a chief prince living in the land of Magog (Ezekiel 38:2).  Many scholars believe Magog refers to Russia.  The invading land of Gomer is often believed to be Germany.
Several lands in the coalition army are easily identifiable: Iran (Persia), Northern Sudan (ancient Ethiopia or Cush), Libya (Put), and Turkey (Togarmah).

The nations mentioned in Ezekiel 38 will unite and come upon Israel “like a cloud that covers the land” for the purpose of looting the wealth that she has amassed in what was a desolate land only seventy years ago.

The war that is described in Ezekiel is similar to the war described in the 14th chapter of Zechariah, where we learn that the Gentiles who survive the war against Israel will be required to keep Sukkot annually by coming up to the Holy City of Jerusalem to worship the Lord.

“Then the survivors from all the nations that have attacked Jerusalem will go up year after year to worship the King, the Lord Almighty, and to celebrate the Feast of Tabernacles [Sukkot].  If any of the peoples of the earth do not go up to Jerusalem to worship the King, the Lord Almighty, they will have no rain.”  (Zechariah 14:16–17)

Psalm 27 presents a clear connection between Sukkot and God’s protection of Israel and those who trust in Him:

“For in the day of trouble He will conceal me in His tabernacle [sukkah]; In the secret place of His tent He will hide me; He will lift me up on a rock.”  (Psalm 27:5)

The word translated here as tabernacle is the Hebrew word sukkah (סכה).  When evil threatens God’s people, He will hide them in His sukkah, inaccessible from the enemy on the rock of His presence.

Now that is a promise we can trust in during these last days!
Gog and Magog are also mentioned in the Brit Chadashah (New Testament) Rev. 16, in connection with Armageddon and the final battle between the forces of good and evil.

This war with Gog and Magog is not the same war described in Ezekiel 38 but a final end-time battle after the thousand-year reign of Yeshua HaMashiach (Jesus the Messiah).The Son of David, Jesus/Yeshua, will come again — this time as our conquering Messiah to defeat the invading forces forever.  All who have believed in their Savior, Yeshua, will inherit eternity in the New Jerusalem — a revived Garden of Eden complete with trees of life and pure living water that will be good to eat and drink forever.

A Roof Revelation.

An inner connection between Sukkot are the names Gog and Magog.

The Hebrew word Gog means roof and there is a huge difference between a real roof and the roof of the Sukkah which would not withstand wind and rain.

By building sturdy walls people have power to make themselves safe and secure against earthly elements and people and so are deluded and self deceived into thinking they can make themselves secure against the things from God and his power to direct matters.

They take their fate in their own hands and protect with their own strength with no need to depend on God.The war of Gog and Magog is also a battle of Gog the roof, against Sukkah, it’s a fight of the illusion of the roof which is manifest as human greatness, a pride which never allows rest. Its fight against the Sukkah truth of the joyful confidence and carefree Shalom which comes only from placing complete trust in God’s protection and faith focused on his provision alone. The word Gog when prefixed with an M is then Mgog or Magog; it expresses the concept of projecting something and represents earthly wisdom and the human philosophical notion, that man can both isolate and insulate himself against God’s heavenly power.

It has origins back in the land of Shinar when Nimrod stirred the people to build a tower that would survive another flood and so avoid God’s judgment while they lived as they pleased.

Another very interesting connection to this season is.. 

the Feast of Sukkot (Tabernacles) is called “the season of our joy” and “the feast of the nations.” With this in mind, in Luke 2:10 it is written, “And the angel said unto them, Fear not: for, behold, I bring you good tidings [basar in Hebrew; otherwise known as the gospel] of great joy  which shall be to all people. So, we can see from this that the terminology the angel used to announce the birth of Jesus/Yeshua, were themes and messages associated with the Feast of Sukkot (Tabernacles).

     In Luke 2:12, the baby (Yeshua) was wrapped in swaddling cloths and lying in a manger. The swaddling cloths were also used as wicks to light the vats of oil within the court of the women during the festival of Sukkot, another association with the festival of Sukkot.
In Luke 2:12 The word manger is Greek word phatn’e. It is the same word translated as stall in Luke 13:15. By seeing how the word is used in Luke 13:15, we can see that the Greek word phatn’e means a place for hitching cattle.

The Hebrew word for stall is marbek, which can be found in Amos 6:4 and Malachi 4:2. In Genesis 33:17 it is written that Jacob journeyed to Sukkoth and made booths (the word booth in this passage is the Hebrew word sukkah; the plural is sukkot) for his cattle.
Due to cultural traditions we have little idea in the west, what a manger is. In Israel a manger is a hollow space cut out of a large rock and not the wooden structure in the previous picture.

The area is filled with food usually for sheep and goats.

(This reminds us also of another place of protection  ‘I will put thee in the cleft of the rock’. Ex. 32:22)So we can see from these passages how the word booth (sukkah or sukkot) was used by Jacob for his cattle in Genesis 33:17, and how the Greek word for manger or stall, phatn’e, was also used to refer to hitching cattle in Luke 13:15. Phatn’e is the same word translated as manger in Luke 2:12, where Yeshua was laid at the time of His birth.During the Feast of Sukkot (Tabernacles), God required that all male Jews come to Jerusalem (Yerushalayim) (Deut. 16:16). For this reason, as well as the census being conducted, the city would have been overcrowded with people and could explain why Mary (Miryam) and Joseph (Yosef) were unable to find lodging in and around Jerusalem (Yerushalayim) (Lk. 2:7). Bethlehem, the place where Jesus/Yeshua was born, is only about four miles from Jerusalem.Some Bible scholars believe that this holiday is a more accurate birth date of Jesus. God is said to have dwelled (tabernacled) with the Jews as they wandered for 40 years in the desert. How appropriate it would be if our Messiah was born during this feast. This would bring insightful meaning to the Messianic name Emanuel, which means God is with us, prophesied by Isaiah (Isa.7:14)

We know our Messiah was made manifest into a temporary body when He came to earth. Is it possible He also was put into a temporary dwelling? The fields would have been dotted with Sukkot during this harvest time to provide temporary shelter animals. The Hebrew word ‘stable’ is also called a Sukkoth (Gen. 33:17). Later when the scriptures record Mary and Joseph were in a house, the time for the sukkah would have been past.Further interesting facts concerning the birth of Jesus/Yeshua occurring during Sukkot, is in Matt. 2:1. Scripture says that wise men come from the East to visit Him. The land of the East is Babylon, where the largest Jewish population was at the time of the birth of Jesus/Yeshua.

These Jews were descendants from the captivity when King Nebuchadnezzar defeated Israel and took the Jews to Babylon to serve him. Babylon is referred to as the land of the East in Gen. 29:1 and Jud. 6:3.The wise men in Matt. 2:1 were possibly teachers/rabbis. The rabbis, also called sages, are known in Hebrew as chakamim, which means wise men. The word in Matthew 2:1 in Greek is magos, which is translated into English as Magi. Magos in Greek is the Hebrew word ravmag. Ravmag comes from the Hebrew word rav, which means rabbi. It should also be noted that the Greek word magos can also mean scientist, counselor, scholar, or teacher. The rabbis were scholars or teachers of the Jewish law. Jesus/Yeshua was referred to as Rabbi, or Teacher in John 1:38,47,49; 3:2. So, it’s a possibility that the wise men were Jewish rabbis coming from Babylon to witness the birth of Jesus/Yeshua. 

“What made the rabbis make the journey from Babylon to Bethlehem to witness the birth of Yeshua?” The answer is given in Matt. 2:2, as it is written, “…we have seen His star in the east….”As we have read, one of the requirements during the time of Sukkot was to build an outside temporary shelter and live in it during this festival season. It had to be built with an opening in the roof so the people could see the stars in heaven. This is another reason why the rabbis would be looking for, and thus seeing, the star in the sky when it appeared.

In addition, there was a prophecy in Numbers as it is written, “…a star shall come forth from Jacob…” (Num. 24:17 NAS). King Herod inquired about where the Messiah would be born in Matt.2:4. (He was told in Bethlehem vs 6, based upon the prophecy in Micah 5:2.) In Matt. 2:10 it is written, “When they saw the star, they rejoiced with exceeding great joy.” Once again, remember that Sukkot is called “the season of our joy.” In Matt. 2:2, the rabbis saw the star from the East. Salvation was seen by the Jewish people as coming from the East. Jesus/Yeshua descended from the tribe of Judah (Rev. 5:5). The tribe of Judah was positioned on the east side of the tabernacle of Moses in the wilderness.

Finally, in Luke 2:32, Jesus/Yeshua is called a light to the Gentiles. Once again, Sukkot is called “the festival of lights” and “the festival of all nations.”

Therefore, by studying and understanding the festival of Sukkot and the themes and messages that God desired to be conveyed during this festival, it enables us to read the Bible in a new light; and to ponder the possibility that Jesus/Yeshua may have been born during the season of Sukkot and that He is the Star we are all called to see with our (spiritual) eyes!

Sukkot (Tabernacles) is called the Feast of Ingathering. Jesus/Yeshua told us that the harvest represents the end of the age (Olam Hazeh). This is found in (Matt. 13:39; Rev. 14:15; Joel 3:13). The harvest refers more specifically to people who choose to accept the Messiah Jesus/Yeshua into their hearts and lives. (Matt. 9:35-38; Lk 10:1-2; Jn 4:35-38; Rev 14:14-18). God is gathering both Jews and non-Jews together to accept the Messiah Jesus/Yeshua into their lives. Most of the people on earth have not accepted Jesus into their lives and are in the valley of decision (Joel 3:13-14). Jeremiah sorrowed for a people who were not a part of the harvest in Jer. 8:18-22. vs. 20 “The harvest is past, the summer is ended, and we are not saved.” To those who do accept the Messiah, they will experience the real Sukkot (Tabernacles) during the Messianic age, the Millennium. Both Jew and non-Jew will live in the Messianic Kingdom. No doubt there will also be immortal people such as Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph, Moses, Aaron, and David. There will be mortal people as well who will live with them, who are the people who lived through the seven-year tribulation period, the birthpangs of the Messiah, or the Chevlai shel Mashiach, and who accepted Jesus/Yeshua into their hearts and lives. What a joy it will be living with the Messiah during the Messianic era!

Olam habah = the world to come.  …tabernacle of God is with men…” (Rev 21:1-3)

Sukkot (Tabernacles) is known as the festival of ingathering and the fruit harvest. In Rev.7:9-17, we can see those who have come through the great tribulation period and who became believers in the Messiah during that time (Rev. 7:14). In Rev. 7:15, they “dwell” with them.

Tishrei is the 7th month, the number of completion.   (Lev. 23:23–44)

The book of Revelation is filled with number 7 and has similarities to the events in this month. Tishrei begins with Yom Teruah, the Day of Trumpets. (Rev. 8:2; 14:7; 19:16; 20:4; 21:3; 22:5)There are 7 angels with 7 trumpets.

Tishrei also has Yom Kippur, the Day of Judgment. In Revelation, judgment comes as man stands before God face to face, on Yom Kippur so too. God is proclaimed King in Tishrei and also in Revelation.  If we believe we are grafted into the Olive tree of spiritual Israel, then we are also included in the 7 Appointed Times and their fulfillment.There is reason to believe that during the time when the Temple stood, a total of 70 sacrifices were offered during the seven days of Sukkot which are celebrated in the Land of Israel.

Maybe the 70 bullocks sacrificed represented the 70 nations of the world as they were divided into by God after the confusion of languages at the destruction of the tower at Babel with Nimrod on the plains of Shinar.
Would this mean that Israel was interceding for nations of the world, not just herself?
These offerings were then considered an offering for world peace.

Tishrei closes with another day of mystery.

The final, 8th day, of this feast is known as Shemini Atzaret, Yom haSh’miyniy’Atzaret, The 8th day assembly. In Israel, the 8th day is a day that speaks of eternity and the Bible ends in Revelation with that same day, the day of eternity where we will reign forever with Him. The plans and purposes of God have only perfect ends.

The gathering of the 8th day;

The last day of the spiritual year;

The day after the end – is the day that represents the beginning of all eternity.
All Scripture is written on kosher scrolls not in books. So to understand the reference in Revelation, consider that the Torah scroll (the first five books of the Bible) has been continually unrolled throughout the year for each weeks reading. At the end of the year there is a rolling back of all that has been unrolled over the course of the year!

In Revelation it states that the heaven shall be rolled up like a scroll, this is an image written in the prophecies of revelation concerning the end of the ages. (Rev. 6:14; 20:11, 22)The sky is rolled up at the end of the present age and earth and heaven have fled away before eternity is ushered in. The old has gone, the scroll finished, for the story is completed and the day after the end, Shemini Atzeret is the 8th day and is the day forever starts, it’s the beginning of eternity.

Olam habah the world to come.Before the scroll is rolled up, the last words written are from the final reading in Deuteronomy. They are concerning the end of a particular journey.When Moses climbed the mountain to view the land of promise just before his life on Earth is complete and he goes to be with God. he was looking towards the place where the Temple would one day stand. The exact same location that Abraham had to be willing to sacrifice his only son and where Jesus would also be our sacrificial lamb.

The End Is Also The Beginning.

The journey through the wilderness is over and the Israelites are about to cross Jordan to enter the promised land with Joshua leading them.
(Joshua is a type of Jesus) and so Shemini Atzeret reminds us of the future day when our journey through the wilderness and our existence on earth will be complete and this old world will pass away to reveal the new and Jesus will lead us into our promised land.

Its clear the old must be left behind before we can enter into the new, our life here is only the journey on the way to the destination. As the scroll is rolled up, be ready to catch the first glimpse of the unfathomable glory that awaits us.

The 8th day is about resurrection and leaving the old life, a day of transcending, of breaking out of the limitations of the finite and into the realm of the infinite. Of transcending the old, overcoming the ultimate limitation, death, and thus every limitation.

The day after the end of the old life, the old existence and the power to live beyond it.

So the day of the resurrection and the day of the beginning of eternity are in inexorably joined together.The Hebrew Holy Day of Resurrection was First Fruits and the Resurrection is the First Fruits of the Age to Come. The first manifestation of the 8th day – Heaven.One last fascinating point as food for thought to ponder upon.

Several Bible scholars believe its possible that the first Thanksgiving in America was based in part on Sukkot. The Pilgrims were familiar with the Bible and the Feast of Tabernacles. They were also thankful for God’s protection in the new land. The first Thanksgiving holiday is reported to have been in October, (Sukkot is usually in this month), and lasted for three days.
The harvest of the earth is ripe …” (Rev 14:14-16) “

Messiah fulfilled an intermediate fulfillment of all three Fall Feasts at His first coming:

1.) Announcement: Yom Teruw’ah, ushering in the King.

2.) Circumcision: Yom Kippur, removal of the veil (foreskin) called “face-to-face.”

3.) Dwelling with us: Sukkot; dwelt with us in a corruptible body.Messiah will fulfill all three Fall Feasts completely at His second coming: 

1.) Husband Ushering in the Bride: Yom Teruw’ah.

2.) Husband removes veil from the bride’s face: Yom Kippur.

3.) Husband consummates the marriage with the 4th cup: Sukkot; Dwells with bride for 1,000 years of Sabbath rest. 

Peace – Shalom to all who love His Word at this season of rejoicing.

It’s time to fellowship with the King!