This Is A Season Of Joy

This Season of Joy

שִׂמְחָה – simchah: joy, gladness, mirth

is the Eighth Day Assembly.

7th month 22nd day – Torah portion Vayikra 23:36 39.

Vayikra means “And [He] called” and it is found in Leviticus 1:1

The culmination of Sukkot /Tabernacles/Booths –

Immediately following the 7 day feast of sukkot is the closing moed/appointed time of the year, called:

yom haSh’miyniy Atzaret or

Shemini Atzeret 

שְׁמִינִי עֲצֶרֶת ‎—”Eighth [day of] Assembly”

This year it is on 7th October.

The commands for this day are very simple

do no regular work, rest and assemble.

In short the 8th day is a time to say good bye to sukot and the past year’s mo’adiym.

It’s a time to rest and reflect but also a time to look forward to the future because in just 6 short months it all starts over again.

Though this moed is often dismissed as being insignificant it can be an extremely meaningful time if we allow it to be. We are encouraged to look back at the journey we will have completed but also to look forward to the times that lie ahead.

The following day is known as Simchat Torah where this extra biblical jewish holiday celebrates the word of God.

Rejoicing in the Torah.

This year it is the 8th October.

Click links below for more details:

The Mo’adiym are so much more than times to practice any Hebrew /Jewish traditions, or days to ponder what they indicate prophetically without actually participating in them. The Mo’adiym/Appointed times of the Lord, offer us a special opportunity to allow His Spirit to disciple us; as we walk in the ways of the Son towards maturity and our full potential in Messiah. These are times to learn and develop our usefulness for the Fathers Kingdom.

As we devote ourselves to living out the fullness in the meanings of the Mo’adiym, those who are of Israelite descent will more fully understand their calling as the people chosen by our Father. Chosen that is, to tell the world about Him and His redemptive plan for all who choose to believe in His Messiah. For those who are already believers in Messiah Yeshua/Jesus, they will draw closer to Him becoming more effective and victorious disciples for Him.

As we walk through the Mo’adiym/Appointed Times each year, it is an opportunity allow His Spirit to plant into us the deep truths that each moed/Appointed Time is designed to help us remember. This is so that the Father may bring in a bountiful harvest through us, for His glory and for the name of His Son, our Savior master Lord and soon returning King…the Messiah Yeshua/Jesus.

in Him we live and move and have our being. Acts 17:28

These Mo’adiym/Appointed Times were set in place for the children of Israel to follow as an annual life cycle of preparation for the unfolding plan of the ages. Prophetic in nature and so full of meaning, they are an essential aid to more fully understanding and appreciating all that was completed and fulfilled in Messiah’s time on the earth. His statement that He did not come to abolish or do away with the (law) teaching and instructions of his Father but to complete and to fulfill them.  Matthew 5:17.  And furthermore, it was to show us how to live a life according to His Fathers and His words; and not all the added restrictive laws and doctrines inspired by demonic, unclean spirits and added by men.  Matthew 23:4.  All the extra laws and rules that were given to the people  not only overburdened them but caused them to be controlled by corrupt leadership.

The season of our rejoicing this weekend is that of

rejoicing in His Word and the freedom it has brought to our lives;

and on the 8th day reminds us of the hope of our salvation being completed.

Yeshua Messiah, His Word made flesh, dwelt /tabernacled among us and then sent His Spirit to be with us, to abide within us always, even to the end of this age; when He will return in all His Glory and forever tabernacle with us in fullness. Revelation 21:3-8

The 8th day rejoicing is coming as the reign of Messiah for 1000 years. Until then we have His Spirit of Holiness dwelling, abiding, tabernacle-ing within. We rejoice in His Word living in us, making us alive.

The promise for us all is looking unto Jesus, Messiah, the Word; Who is the author and finisher of our faith. Heb. 12:2


This years feasts, fasts, His Appointed Times, the Mo’adiym are completed. These are more than prophetic pictures of Yeshua/Jesus, they are set in the calendar as a reminder to His chosen ones; and are calling us to un-compromised devotion to only Him and by our obedience, our lives are changed. Not only are they an annual reminder of the Father’s miraculous history with the children of Israel, but also the story of our lives in Christ/Messiah are embedded within them.

They teach us about who we are supposed to be in Him; and we are led into a deeper walk with Him as we take the time to learn of them and their meanings. By our obedience and faithfulness to be a doer and as He told us to ‘learn of Me’;  Matthew 11:29.  He, through His Word, makes us into His disciples so that in turn we might share His truth that will make others free.

For every believer in Yeshua/Jesus Messiah, this Season of Joy שִׂמְחָה – simchah: joy, gladness, mirth is ongoing and we can rejoice continually and not just on one day of the year: for we are the sheep of His pasture and

He is the shepherd. John 10:14

Know ye that the LORD he is God: it is he that hath made us, and not we ourselves; we are his people, and the sheep of his pasture. Ps.100:3 Then we your people, the sheep of your pasture, will praise you forever; from generation to generation. Ps.79:13

Shalom aleikhem
chaverim and mishpachah!
Peace to friends and family.
Shavua Tov, Have a blessed week.
Make certain Messiah Jesus/Yeshua is your Redeemer, Savior, Lord and soon returning King and that you have a personal relationship with Him.
It’s all about Life and Relationship, NOT Religion.
You are very precious in His sight.
Not sure can be…
Heavenly Father I come to you in the Name of Jesus/Yeshua asking for forgiveness of my sins for which I am truly sorry. I repent of them all and turn away from my past.
I believe with my heart and confess with my mouth that Jesus/Yeshua is your Son and that He died on the cross at calvary to pay the price for my sin, so that I might be forgiven and have eternal life in the kingdom of Heaven. Father I believe that Jesus/Yeshua rose from the dead and I ask you to come into my life right now and be my personal Savior and Lord and I will worship you all the days of my life. Because your word is truth I say that I am now forgiven and born again and by faith I am washed clean with the blood of Jesus/Yeshua. Thank you that you have accepted me into your family in Jesus’/Yeshua’s name.

A Timely Reminder of the Day of Blowing

Shalom chaverim and mishpachah!
Peace to friends and family.

A timely reminder that the

Day of Blowing /Rosh HaShannah – Trumpets

is this weekend.
The New Moon Day of the seventh month is called

Yom Teruah  – יוֹם תְּרוּעָה.

This is also translated as the ‘Day of Trumpets’,

although it actually translates more accurately as

the ‘Day of Blowing,’

Rosh HaShanah as Yom Teruah

Day of blowing (the Shofar)

or YomhaZikkaron – Day of Remembering.

Hebrew: רֹאשׁ הַשָּׁנָה, Rōʾš hašŠānā,


“head of the year”

There are four ‘New Years’ in the Jewish calendar:
Nisan 1 – Beginning of the Festival cycle; first month in the religious calendar
Elul 1 – New year for tithing animals
Tishri 1 – Counting years; Sabbatical years, sh’mitah; counting Jubilee, yovel
Shevat 15 – Tu Bishvat for tithing fruit trees

Rosh HaShannah marks the beginning of what many term the

“high holy days,”

the days of repentance/teshuvah and seeking to have one’s life right before the Lord God and man. The month preceding Rosh HaShanah, Elul, is marked by blowing the shofar or ram’s horn every morning at the morning service.
The common greeting for Rosh HaShanah


Leshanah tovah – for a good year


leshanah tovah tikatevu

may you be inscribed for a good year.

The Rabbis taught that on Rosh HaShanah God inscribes the names of all the righteous in His book of life for the coming year, so this is the greeting.

For this reason, the greeting is not used after Rosh HaShanah, as it would be rude to suggest that the person you are greeting is not written in the book. The Rabbis further taught that those whose righteous and unrighteous deeds are equal, hang in the balance and their inscription in the book of life is put off until the coming Yom Kippur.
The rabbinic emphasis upon “deeds weighed in the balance” cannot stand in light of the truth of the gospel proclaimed throughout the Scriptures. Our standing before the Lord is not a matter of our good deeds, but the result of being brought near through the atoning work of our Savior, Jesus/Yeshua.

Rather than being a day of ultimate trembling, as followers of Messiah Jesus/Yeshua we find in Yom Teruah, or Rosh HaShannah, a day of reflection upon the value of our being written in the book of life, and the debt of love we owe to the One Who has called us to Him.

Obviously, this rabbinic view is not how a Messianic believer thinks or believes because, we recognize that having our name written in the Lambs Book of Life is not a dependent on an individual’s good deeds/works, but by the advantage through grace and mercy of having the blood of Yeshua /Jesus cover and remove our sins. That is why leshanah tovah, “for a good year” is used as the traditional greeting.

The ten days between Rosh HaShanah and Yom Kippur are called the 10 days of repentance/teshuavah; looked at in previous posts. According to the Rabbis, this is the season when those who are not certain that their righteous deeds outweigh their sins strive to “tip the balance” on the side of righteousness. The Sabbath that falls in these days is called Shabbat Shuvah /Sabbath of returning or Shabbat Teshuvah /Sabbath of repentance and is marked by additions to the service with those seeking repentance and making their life right before God.

The meaning of this Celebration:
When the shofar sounded in ancient Israel, it signaled that:

heaven and earth were about to meet, that divine power, the supernatural forces of heaven was about to break into the mundane affairs of men!

It signaled that great things were about to happen!

Rosh HaShanah emphasizes the sovereignty of our Heavenly Father in creation and that He cares about the world and remembers all our deeds and that He is not removed from the world that He created.
It reminds us of His kingship over us personally, and of our need to affirm Him as our King.
Through the sounding of the shofar, we are reminded of the Scriptures that He has graciously given to us, and of our need to willingly receive all they say to us and to plant His word deeply into our hearts and lives. Rosh HaShanah brings to us the true image of our Heavenly Father and reminds us that as creatures created in His image, we are to reflect His likeness to the world around us. Messiah Yeshua /Jesus did this perfectly and He stands before us as the perfect example of One who fully accepted His heavenly Fathers kingship and lived accordingly.

Rosh HaShanah also carries with it an emphasis on Messiah’s return, it looks to the future when Messiah will reign as king on the earth. According to 1 Thess. 4:16 when He returns, the shofar will sound announcing His kingship, and He will set up His throne in Jerusalem. we can look forward the coming of our King Messiah, as we celebrate Rosh HaShanah, because one of these days, every knee will bow to Him, and every tongue will confess that He is Lord of all.

Many believe that the return of Messiah will coincide with this celebration being the season of

Blowing the trumpet or shofar

and is significant with the scriptures

the last trump will sound etc.

The Word of our Father tells us through Messiahs own words in Matthew 24:36

1 Corinthians 15:52  In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be
1Thess 4:16 17
16 For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first:
17 Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord.

The sound of the Shofar reminds us that He continues to call us back to Him.

In those areas of our lives were we have strayed into sin, the call of this Lord is to “return,” to seek repentance/teshuvah and forgiveness. We also remind ourselves of the reality that He is our King, and that we are to show him our full allegiance and loyalty. Rosh HaShannah is a time of renewal, and Father’s appointed time to remind us of who we are in light of what He has done for us. It is therefore very needful, a critical and timely appointment in our walk with Him.
Present Relevance for Believers and Prophetic End-Time Implications of
Yom Teruah or the Day of Shouting.

The Shofar blasts prophetically, the summer months between the spring feast of Shavuot/Weeks/Pentecost, and the fall feast of Yom Teruah is a spiritual picture of what is often called the Church Age, which is the period of time from the Feast of Pentecost in Acts 2 until the return of Jesus/Yeshua the Messiah at the end of the age and lasting for approximately 2000 years.

For many, especially those living in a hotter climate, summer is a time of weariness and fatigue due to the excessive heat. In the same way, many believers have fallen asleep or are growing spiritually weary while waiting for the return of the Messiah.

Jesus/Yeshua discusses this issue in the Parable of the Ten Virgins Matt. 25, who all grew weary and fell asleep awaiting the coming of the Bridegroom Jesus/Yeshua.
This all changes on the first day of the seventh month of the biblical Hebrew calendar when off in the distance the sound of a shofar blast suddenly pierces the atmosphere and wakes up those who have fallen asleep. Not only does this blast on the shofar signal the beginning of the 7th month when the new crescent moon is sighted, but it announces the return of the Bridegroom Messiah Yeshua coming for His bride – the redeemed saints. As in the Parable, the cry went forth that the bridegroom was coming and all woke up to prepare for His arrival. In these end days, that cry is going forth even now for all to hear, to awake and to prepare for the arrival of Jesus/Yeshua the Messiah.

The ram’s horn shofar is bent into a curved shape and it represents the repentant humble hearts of both the one blowing and those hearing. This is the season for the righteous to get right with the Father and bend their hearts in humility before Him and shake ourselves out of spiritual lukewarmness and instead to wake up to spiritual action and preparation. The fall/autumn Appointed Times point to last days events that will occur at some point in time in the near future. It is a time to be refreshed by the breath of God, His Ruach HaKodesh, and to be aware of a time of new beginnings.

Let’s allow Him to breathe on us, to revive us and empower us as we enter into this prophetic season, and as every day we prepare ourselves so that when the moment comes for each of us, we are ready to meet our Savior, Lord, King and Redeemer, Messiah Jesus/Yeshua, in the air.
Yom Teruah also begins a season that prophetically speaks of war and battle, in ancient times in Israel, the shofar was a weapon of warfare, and in the last days it will be used again as such. It was used to call Israel to battle, to defeat her enemies with Gods’ help. The shofar was also used to proclaim victory after the battle was won and to worship our Heavenly Father who had given them the victory.

Israel’s fight against her enemies still continues on even in these end times. The enemies of the redeemed Israelites, us, are mostly spiritual, being the world, the flesh and the devil.

James 3:15; Ephesians 2:2–3.

The shofar’s blowing is a call to awaken out of spiritual sleep, lethargy, stagnation, slumber and to repent of sin. No man knows the day or the hour of the new moon’s arrival each month, although one who is alert can know the season, however the human tendency is to grow weary in waiting, and to grow slack in one’s obedience to Father’s commands. When the new moon is sighted and the shofar sounds, this is the signal for

the slumbering to awake,

for hope to arise,

renewal and spiritual revival to occur


action to be taken to put off sin

and to draw closer spiritually to our Heavenly Father.

The awakening sound of the shofar blast is the Hebrew word


Strong’s G8643, 

Lev. 23:24 and Num. 29:1

where the phrase “blowing of trumpets” is teruah,

Teruah means

the shout or blast of war, alarm, alarm of war,

war cry, signal, and sound of tempest.

Teruah derives from the Hebrew root word ruah meaning “alarm, signal, sound or blast of the shofar, to raise a shout.”

The name Yom Teruah could therefore have several literal meanings: 

the day of the shout,

the day of the war alarm or

the day of the shofar blast.

When we understand the significance of this day from a biblical understanding, we realize that Yom Teruah is a day of shouting with extreme joy or as a shriek in alarm, or a day of shofar blowing. As previously mentioned shofars were blown in biblical times to rally the people together, to alert the people in time of war, to warn the people, or as an instrument along with shouts to express the people’s joy, or to praise our Heavenly Father.
Yom Teruah prophetically involves all these concepts, for it is a day when His people will shout with joy as they gather to meet Jesus/Yeshua in the air after having been bodily resurrected at the sound of the last shofar blast, but it is also a time of alarm and shrieking on the part of the wicked, as a time of war and terror brought on by the judgments of our Father are about to come upon the earth.

Yom Teruah is a day of new beginnings or renewal, to wake up from lethargy and slumber, to be broken out of that sleepy, comfort zone state and to be awakened to action. Again, remember the ten virgins of Matthew 25 who slept in anticipation of the bridegroom’s arrival? When the shout went forth that he was coming they were all awakened. Some were prepared to go into the marriage supper of the bridegroom and some were not.

Are we awake…  and ready??

Our Bridegroom is Jesus/Yeshua….So keep looking up, our redemption draws very near!

Links to previous posts:

Rosh Hashanah 2023, which begins the Jewish year 5784, starts just before sundown on Friday, Sept. 15, 2023, and ends after nightfall on Sunday, Sept. 17, 2023. Believed to be the day Adam and Eve were created, it’s celebrated as the head of the Jewish year.

Shavua Tov, Have a blessed week.
Make certain Messiah Jesus/Yeshua is your Redeemer, Savior, Lord and soon returning King and that you have a personal relationship with Him.
It’s all about Life and Relationship, NOT Religion.
You are very precious in His sight.
Not sure can be…

don’t delay one more minute,
Heavenly Father I come to you in the Name of Jesus/Yeshua asking for forgiveness of my sins for which I am truly sorry. I repent of them all and turn away from my past.
I believe with my heart and confess with my mouth that Jesus/Yeshua is your Son and that He died on the cross at calvary to pay the price for my sin, so that I might be forgiven and have eternal life in the kingdom of Heaven. Father I believe that Jesus/Yeshua rose from the dead and I ask you to come into my life right now and be my personal Savior and Lord and I will worship you all the days of my life. Because your word is truth I say that I am now forgiven and born again and by faith I am washed clean with the blood of Jesus/Yeshua. Thank you that you have accepted me into your family in Jesus’/Yeshua’s name.

Midweek Mannabite – What Does Purim Mean And Why is Esther Involved?

For those who are new to mmm and the truths to be discovered in our Hebrew heritage; you may not have heard of what is called the

Appointed times of the Lord


the Feasts of Israel.

These times are our Heavenly Fathers’

Rhythm of Life/Chaim.

They are called Moedim in Hebrew


pronounced: Moe-eh-deem.

Here is a brief explanation and links to earlier posts that will assist in our understanding.

The Gregorian/Julian calendar we follow in the west is not solely based on the Biblical days found in Scripture; they have been given other names and dates that have brought confusion in believers understanding. This has caused us to celebrate some things that are not found in the Word of God.

Finding that we have missed out on precious truths in His plans and purposes can be quickly remedied by familiarizing ourselves with what Our Father has clearly set out in His Word. Many times we simply follow what we are told and raised into without reading scripture for ourselves. Many will chime in that the Old Testament laws have been done away with and yet they will quote the Old Testament scriptures on Tithing and follow other requirements; picking out what fits a denominational doctrine and not accurately encompassing the whole Word and counsel of God.

Jesus/Yeshua Himself said in Matthew 5:17-18, as part of His Sermon on the Mount,

Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them. For amen I say unto you, till heaven and earth pass, one jot, or one tittle shall not pass of the law, till all be fulfilled. 

This is what Jesus/Yeshua actually did, by following the Appointed Times of His Father, His life was a fulfillment of what each one represents spiritually.

In our Heavenly Fathers calendar we are approaching the start of the spiritual days of springtime.

The Moedim 


It is a reminder of His plan for humanity

and it is always is heralded by Purim.


This time of the year, Purim, is like

a wake up call, an alarm clock,

that we are quickly entering His annual seasons; and it gives us time to prepare our hearts and clean up our lives, ready to focus our thoughts on all that He has done through His Messiah,

Our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ/ Yeshua Ha Mashiach.

The annual cycle of appointed times/feasts of Israel, are a rehearsal for us in the same way that a bride and groom rehearse the plan of the coming wedding ceremony.

So we, as His bride, rehearse

the plan of the ages every year,

it keeps us close to our

Heavenly Bridegroom and helps our halak/walk,

along the narrow Way/Derek, to stay

within the boundaries He has set for us in His Word.


This year, Purim is March 16 and 17.

March 17-18 in Jerusalem/Yerushalayim.


in Hebrew פּוּרִים

Purim is always a month and a day before Passover/Pesach. 

Purim is celebrated on 14 Adar,

and Passover starts on 15 Nissan. 

Passover is Pesach in Hebrew פסח.

In a Jewish leap year there are 2 x Adars, making for a total of 13 months. In those years, Purim is celebrated during the second Adar, so that it is close to Passover/Pesach.

The reason for this is so that the miraculous salvation and deliverance of Purim,

is as close as possible to the annual reminder of the time of the Exodus;

the miraculous salvation and deliverance of the Hebrews/

the children of Israel, which is also remembered on Passover/Pesach.

This of course parallels the salvation and deliverance from the bondage of the world/Egypt for the believer in Jesus/Yeshua. We were slaves to sin and He came to set us free to serve Him.

Purim remembers the salvation of the Jewish people in ancient Persia from Haman’s plot 

to destroy, kill, and annihilate all the Jews, young and old, infants and women, in a single day.

Purim means lots in ancient Persian.

The holiday was named Purim after the wicked Haman had thrown lots to determine when he would carry out his evil plan. It can be pronounced in several ways.

In the Eastern tradition, it’s pronounced poo-REEM.

In the West, it is often called PUH-rim.

Mordechai was the leader of the Hebrews/Jewish people in Persia, (present day Iran), and Esther was cousin to Mordechai. When Esther was made queen of Persia, she bravely interceded by putting her own life at risk, on behalf of her people. The Book of Esther records the story of their bravery and willingness for self sacrifice.

Because of Esther’s request, the events were written in a scroll which were to be read every year on Purim. This scroll is called the Megillah/Book of Esther and it was one of the last books to be canonized and added into the Tanach/Old Testament.

During this next Month and a Day Before Pesach/Passover

lets prepare ourselves….

Holiness – separated unto the Lord…


Links below to other posts about Purim and Esther:


Shalom, shalom, mishpachah!

You are loved and appreciated and prayed for daily.

Thank you so much for taking the time to read the posts and for all your kind and encouraging comments. Please continue to share with others, like and subscribe for notifications of new postings.  It all helps to freely spread the Gospel to the uttermost parts of the earth and reaches others with the blessing of His Truths that always point us to Our Heavenly Father, Through Jesus/Yeshua by the power of His Holy Spirit/Ruach HaKodesh.

As always, a very warm welcome to each and every subscriber/follower/visitor, both old and new; and remember that the post is best viewed on the Homepage site in full color!

Please don’t leave this page without the knowing in your heart you are totally His.

You are greatly loved and precious in His sight.

Its all about Life and Relationship, not Religion.



Heavenly Father I come to you in the Name of Jesus/Yeshua asking for forgiveness of my sins for which I am truly sorry. I repent of them all and turn away from my past.

I believe with my heart and confess with my mouth that Jesus/Yeshua is your Son and that He died on the cross at calvary to pay the price for my sin, so that I might be forgiven and have eternal life in the kingdom of Heaven. Father I believe that Jesus/Yeshua rose from the dead and I ask you to come into my life right now and be my personal Savior and Lord and I will worship you all the days of my life. Because your word is truth I say that I am now forgiven and born again and by faith I am washed clean with the blood of Jesus/Yeshua. Thank you that you have accepted me into your family in Jesus’/Yeshua’s name.

Seeds And Seasons



Strongs #4150

Phonetic Spelling: mo-ade’

Today as disciples/believers in Jesus/Yeshua as Messiah; we learn about, observe and celebrate the Appointed Times of God as if they were something just recently discovered, a new trend, the latest thing; when in fact they have been followed since Moses was instructed concerning them.

It’s only new to us, not to the children of Israel; and even they were more aware of their significance in earlier times.

In truth God set things in sync. in Genesis:

It is most probable that in Genesis 1:14, where ׳ מ אֹתֹת, the reference is to the sacred seasons as fixed by moon’s appearance; and so also ׳ עשׂה ירח למ he made the moon for sacred seasons Psalm 104:19, although many Lexicons & Commentaries refer these to the seasons of the year.

The word translated as seasons

in the Hebrew Masoretic Text (MT) is

moedim (H4150),

which means

appointed times.

Let Them Be…For Feasts?

Many folks associate the word seasons in Genesis 1

with the feasts of YHVH outlined in Leviticus 23

because it is the same Hebrew word moedim used in that text:

The Hebrew noun מועד moed,

Strong’s #4150

is translated as

appointed time, meeting, or season.

It literally means an appointment.

Genesis 1:14 
HEB: וְהָי֤וּ לְאֹתֹת֙ וּלְמ֣וֹעֲדִ֔ים וּלְיָמִ֖ים וְשָׁנִֽים׃
KJV: and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days, and years

Read that verse again replacing seasons with appointed times or festivals and it takes on a much richer meaning. Considering that God/Yahweh/YHWH, made the sun, moon, and all the stars for not only days and years and signs (something else to consider), but also for appointed times.

The plural moedim (מועדים), refers to any of the 3 mandatory Pilgrimage Festivals of Passover, Shavuot and Sukkot

Shavuot (חג השבועות), also called Weeks or Pentecost.

This marks the climax of the Passover Season,

the giving of Torah at Sinai

and the

giving of the Ruach (Spirit) at Jerusalem.

It is the genesis/beginning

of the Re-New-ed Covenant

for all nations, tribes, and tongues…

Centuries and millennia ago the Lord’s seasons and appointed times were critical to daily life.

For them it was crucial to watch the sun and moon and stars and fix their eyes on the heavens.


Because they had to be sure when to plant,

when to wait,

when to harvest and

when to let the land lie follow.

In Luke 21:25 Jesus/Yeshua said there will be signs and they that see them would know.

This was also His accusation towards the religious leaders of the day, the fact that they did not recognize Him, that the signs should have confirmed His coming to them but they did not see them, or worse, chose to both ignore and deny them.

Matt 16:3 and in the morning, ‘It will be foul weather today, for the sky is red and threatening.’ Hypocrites! You know how to discern the face of the sky, but you cannot discern the signs of the times.

His disciples asked Him what they should be looking for..

Matt 24:1-51

Now as He sat on the Mount of Olives, the disciples came to Him privately, saying, “Tell us, when will these things be? And what will be the sign of Your coming, and of the end of the age?”

Matthew 24:1-51, Mark 13:1-37, Luke 21:5-36

Destruction of the Temple,

Signs of the Times and End of the Age

For the people, the waiting between events was just as important and as anticipated as the appointed times on certain days.

And they simply lived in harmony with the natural cycles of life and of the heavens and met with God when He said it was time.

Every farmer/ gardener knows, we plant and watch and wait for the fruits and crops to be declared ready and ripe before reaping the harvest.

Wrong timing means a poor harvest; which is why He waits patiently for the precious fruit of the earth. James 5:7,

In Luke 6:37 it is implied throughout these verses, that God acts as we are exhorted to act. They give a picture of the gracious spirit of God.—καὶ.

Give — Liberally to those that need your assistance; and it shall be given unto you

For your kindness and liberality will naturally gain you love and respect; and God also, by His supernatural grace, will influence men’s hearts in your favour.

Good measure,

pressed down,

shaken together,

and running over

Messiah makes use of these 3 phrases to express all the different kinds of good measure, according to the different nature of the things measured.

Some of them, to make the measure good, must be pressed down and trodden, like grapes and olives;

some of them must be shaken, as the several kinds of grain;

and some of them must be running over, such as all sorts of liquids.

The meaning of giving this

good measure into one’s bosom,

is an allusion to the eastern dress, which were long pieces of cloth wrapped round their bodies, and girded up with a girdle.

Their garments being of this kind, they could receive into their lap or bosom a considerable quantity of such dry goods as they sold by measure.

Μὴ κρίνετε, μὴ καταδικάζετε,

judge not, condemn not.

By judging, we decide as to the goodness or badness of an action: by condemning, we determine as to the person, what (punishment) the guilty has deserved.

Proverbs 10:5

In this the son is not wise because he stops to wonder if the correct time for harvesting has come. Is he not following events closely, so he doesn’t know what time it is?

However the son is wise because he gathers in Summer which is the appointed time, God’s timing.

Regardless of his understanding, he is to respond wisely and gather because the season has arrived.

The second part says he who sleeps in harvest time is a son who causes Shame.

There are many reasons God’s children fall asleep during a time of harvest.

It may be because we are sick, distracted, lazy or just think we know better than what God is telling us.

Whatever the reason we sleep, the outcome is that we miss the harvest because we weren’t paying attention to the time, to the season, to the Kingdom of the heavens, to the cycle of life and His/our appointed time.

This is why the children of Israel were instructed to Count the Omer because they were commanded to Count the days from Passover/Pesach to Pentecost/Shavuot.

Jesus/Yeshua kept and fulfilled the Appointed Times – Precisely.

It was crucial because they needed to know where they were according to Gods’ timetable. His schedule, His calendar; for the simple reason they would be ready to reap when it was time.

The reason we have a problem following Gods calendar, and the reason we fail to observe and do; is because we are keeping our own calendar, our own schedules, and our own plans and purposes, and our own important dates – those that are not on His calendar/ annual rhythm of life.

We need to remember that God’s calendar is

His will and His way..

and it has not changed since He initiated it with Moses.

It is men who have changed it and obscured the biblical rhythm of lifecycles. Instead of looking up we have our heads buried in busyness and business and miss even the most obvious things going on around us..

Here is a back handed compliment, in that, if you are under assault/attack in various ways then we are causing problems for the adversary/ha satan because we are keeping His commands.

Beloved, think it not strange concerning the fiery trial which is to try you, as though some strange thing happened unto you: But rejoice, inasmuch as ye are partakers of Christ’s sufferings; that, when his glory shall be revealed, ye may be glad also with exceeding joy. 1Peter 4:12,13

Nevertheless it is time to

wake up

stay alert

be on guard

and watch

so that our Heavenly Father’s seasons will not pass us by un-noticed any longer.

We are to be wise children and keep in sync. with our Heavenly Father, so that we will be ready for His gathering of the harvest when the summer arrives.

It was fulfillment prophetically, and as are all things pertaining to the coming of Messiah, this is a time to both reflect and prepare. The harvest of Shavuot/Pentecost may be more significant than we realize.

When He told them in Matthew 24 Mark 13 Luke 21, to wait in Jerusalem until the promise came, He was referring to Daniel 9:27 7:1311:31 and Joel and Isaiah 13:10 Ezekiel 32:7

It was not an enforced, all-restricting, lock-down; they were fully cognizant of the Time of the Omer and its significance. Pentecost/Shavuot, was waiting for the first fruits harvest, however the coming of the Holy Spirit/Ruach HaKodesh on Shavuot was a new experience and it initiated a spiritual harvest – the first fruits of Messiah’s resurrection.

3000 Jewish individuals were converted to Messiah in one day. We  often miss the significance because we do not know His seasons.

3000 perished were Lost in the wilderness.(Num 26:10)

and it is not coincidence that 3000 was the number SAVED at shavuot/pentecost!

They were not new prophecies. He was reiterating prophecies already in the Torah, prophets and writings, which they were familiar.

Certain events have occurred in past generations however, the key is Matthew24:33 when all these things happen at the same time…

This is the generation that will not pass until all be fulfilled.

A harvest season may be the season of His return but He said we do not know the day nor the hour but be assured,  the Bridegroom WILL COME for His Bride.

Paralambano – Greek: παραλαμβάνω 

Strong’s #3880: paralambano 

(pronounced par-al-am-ban’-o) from 3844 and 2983; to receive near, i.e. associate with oneself (in any familiar or intimate act or relation); by analogy, to assume an office; figuratively, to learn:–receive, take (unto, with)

verse 40 and 41. At the midnight hour which is more accurately: the mid of night.


Immediately before the washing of his feet in John 12:26/7  He said,

A short time is light among you walk in the light while you have it so you can become the children of light.

So Jesus said to them, “The light is among you for a little while longer. Walk while you have the light, lest darkness overtake you. The one who walks in the darkness does not know where he is going. While you have the light, believe in the light, that you may become sons of light.” John 12:35

While you have the Light, believe in the Light [have faith in it, hold to it, rely on it], that you may become sons of the Light and be filled with Light.

Verse 36b When Jesus had said these things, all these things he left and HE HID FROM THEM they would not be able to find him.

There is a time coming when He is not going to be found by those seeking.

The DOOR of grace will be closed as in was to the ark…. and the flood came and took them all away. Door/dalet I AM the Dalet/Door. Messiah is our ark.

Harvesting The Crop of SEEDS.

Mark 4:26, 29

How to succeed in sowing a seed

Everything Yeshua/Jesus taught them was in parables.

Examples of truth are enveloped in a simple story that gave a clear meaning to the listeners, that is; if they had ears to hear and eyes to see.

Secrets of the kingdom of the Heavens/Shamayim, hidden since the foundation of the world

That it might be fulfilled which was spoken by the prophet, saying, I will open My mouth in parables; I will utter things kept secret from the foundation of the world. Matthew 13:35

We are living in the days the prophets spoke of and whatever we choose to believe will not change the truth our personal opinions are of no value unless they precisely echo the words of Yeshua/Jesus.

He said every word will be fulfilled, that means the bad as well as the good.

In Gods ways,

death initiates life….

and darkness is dispelled by light;

forward and upward are His directions

and we leave as we came  – with nothing…

The kingdom of God, the kingdom of the heavens; Jesus/Yeshua said it has come. He told us to pray for it to continue to come; so it is a critical element in our individual walk.

There are many references to it and what it is like what its composition is and how to recognize it.

Here in Mark it is likened to a person who cast seed on the earth.

This is all the individual does

and as the days pass,

the seeds spring up and grow.

Although the man does not know how it grew.

God is the supplier of all seed (Nun/Noon) and we need to have faith to turn over our hands, so that the seed might fall to the ground and become a great harvest in our lives.

For by it self the earth brings forth fruit.

It doesn’t need our help it’s not even the seed or the one who sows that produces the crop but the soil by it’s self with no help from humans.

Truly this is a mystery


What proof do we have that the seed we sowed is the same seed that sprouts and grows?

First the stalk after that the head and after that the full grain in the head

As soon as the crop is ready to yield itself, immediately the man sends forth the sickle because the harvest has become.

The evidence is all circumstantial we think that since something grows where we put the seed it has grown from our seed that we planted.

The truth is that from the moment it leaves our hand and is covered with soil we do not see the seed again. We just trust that the seed we sowed is the same seed that will grow is and is the one that pushes up through the earth.

We wait,

sleep at night,

awake in the day

but how it grows we just don’t know

and our work was done at the sowing


This seed once nestled into its womb

and place of birth,

the earth,

then Life springs forth –

that life comes from the soil of the earth.

Another verse of this parable says the

seed is the word of God

and the

earth is the life of the individual

and the type of ground/ Life.

Here He is giving the progress of the seed both as how it is received and then what is produced.


First the stalk

This is the framework the structure that is planted deep in the life-giving soil and will support the plant.

To understand the parable is the mystery of the seed and despite all of our knowledge of science and biology, we still cannot explain why/how seeds sprout and grow.

The first point is:

that the seed is like the grace/chen of God which is an essential part of the process of becoming a disciple. We have to pray and realize that if God is not in it all of our efforts will come to nothing.

We have to be willing to be discipled from the Grace/Chen of God and not our own egos. When God is not at the heart of our efforts to spread the good news, then we are simply witnessing and not making disciples. Initially we need to get rid of our pride, prayerfully humble ourselves and ask our Father to give us the grace/chen to both reach and make disciples in faith.

It is the foundation which must be stable, likened to the house built on sand or rock a sure foundation is essential or in any kind of storm it will not withstand the elements and be destroyed.

Next the head


This is the container for the fruit that will yield the fruit for the crop. The stalk must be strong to hold this head of fruit.


It is like a house and within it is the precious new life/chaim.

We too are His House on the earth and since Jesus/Yeshua came, we are the containers, the precious fruit of the earth that He waits patiently for.

The second point of the parable is the slow progression of growth: first the blade,

then the ear,

then the full grain in the ear.

We mature in faith with baby steps and saints are not made in 24 hours. Developing faith is a life time project because we change and grow in stages. Discipling is the process of mentoring people from one stage of faith to another, and having the discernment to recognize when someone is ready for the next step. Unless grace/chen has done its work, a person cannot be rushed in their development – just like growing corn, it takes 90 days not 30.

It cannot be grow any quicker. We can plant, water, fertilize, but corn will take about 90 days to ripen. Some flowers like daffodils brought inside in the early spring forces them to open but we can’t force corn. Mentoring others in faith means: having patience and a discerning eye to know when someone is ready for the next challenge to their faith muscles being stretched. Sadly some never progress beyond a certain stage and even regress, it’s all a matter of choice and freewill.


The next is the full grain in the head or ear.

At this stage the fruit comes forth abundantly


It is to be noted that it takes a specific time to develop, it’s perfect in its time.

Ecclesiastes 3:11. He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the human heart; yet no one can fathom what God has done from beginning to end.

Everything in God’s creation tells us of His ways.

They are always in perfect time and in Godly order.

Life/nun gives way to fullness/chet/50/shavuot/pentecost, and the seed grows through its stages to full maturity the full corn in the ear.

It began as a seed in a human hand small and dormant not dead but sleeping in a kind of stasis, awaiting the perfect conditions predetermined by its creator.

When those conditions were applied from its humble origin in the seed realized it’s God assigned destiny and it reached its potential to the fullest extent.

So the third point of the parable is to recognize the harvest. When people are ready to be spiritually fruitful, they are ready to do whatever Holy Spirit leads them to do. If you have ever seen a field of corn or any crop that has reached its moment of glorious maturity it is a sight moving like the waves of the sea.

A grand Vista of proud growth pristine standing tall reaching for the sky and sunshine and yet it is not serving it’s true and final purpose it is failing to fulfill that which God has created it for. It has matured so it cannot grow anymore it is complete and ready but its final goal is not yet realized.

And the next verse 29, harvest has come, and the man sends forth the sickle. All that hard work: from birth to growing up, to establishing foundation and of maturing through life

and now

to be cut down in it’s prime?!

Life gives birth to death…and yet in that death,

finally it is now able to fulfill its’ God appointed destiny…

He grew up a shoot Isaiah 11:1
A shoot will spring up from the stump of Jesse, and a branch from his roots will bear fruit.

Only to be cut down in His prime and yet from Him came such abundant seed which today is still multiplying from His death.

The seed the farmer sowed into the ground is a reference to us today, we like the seed, have being scattered on the ground…

and His call to us today is to sprout and grow

but like the seed we won’t know how.

But God….

as we are the containers of the seed we have within us His life/chaim. His Ruach/His Spirit and by it’s self/ Himself/His Spirit produces a crop;and with every Appointed Time of His Annual Life Cycle we are refilled and brought to fullness at Shavout/Pentecost ready to GO and Make Disciples of all nations sowing precious seed of our own for His Kingdom.

Matt 13:23; Mark 4:1-20; Luke 8:1-15.

Mishpachah/family and Cheverim/friends, Our Messiah Jesus/Yeshua is calling us to lay down our lives.


come now,

and don’t delay.

The kingdom of His heavens is at hand, even at the door

and the head is full of grain

and the crop is ready;

which means He will come with His sickle –

so let us willingly, humbly, yield ourselves,

because the time of harvest has come.

He grows us up to cut us down.

It is His way, He did it with His only begotten Son Jesus/Yeshua; so why would we think it would be any different for us.

He matures us to our fullest potential and then takes us for Himself and uses us for His purposes.

Let us gladly, jointly, surrender all, to the gatherer of His harvest because we cannot know how seeds sprout and grow – only the one who created every seed understands this mystery.

He plants us, gives us Life, makes us grow and be a ready crop..

Now He comes For His Harvest!


Aware that the mp4 below is obviously ‘out of season’ in its timing but be encouraged to listen in amazement to this presentation of HALLELUJAH sung by Kaylee Rogers who loves Jesus with all her heart.

What makes this talented singer even more special is, Kaylee is a challenged child, overcoming autism and ADHD. She is, in the truest sense, an OVERCOMER as the BIBLE speaks of and so are her many precious schoolmates at the wonderful KILLARD SCHOOL for special needs children in Northern Ireland.

These scriptures have never seemed more real! Matt 18:3 “Truly I tell you,” He said, “unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.

Matt 19:14 But Jesus said, “Let the children alone, and do not hinder them from coming to Me; for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.”

Oh my! How much we can learn from children such as these!

P.S. For those counting, today is day 32, which is 4 weeks and 4 days of the Omer; day 49 will be Wednesday night May 27th 2020.

Shalom shalom mishpachah and cheverim! You are loved and appreciated and prayed for daily.

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Important Note: For some unknown reason the email widget was removed?! Hmm! Apologies to anyone trying to become a subscriber. Hopefully now restored. MMM will continue to post as long as the web platform is intact… we are in His hands….

It’s all about Life and Relationship, NOT Religion.

You are greatly loved and precious in His sight.




Heavenly Father I come to you in the Name of Jesus/Yeshua asking for forgiveness of my sins for which I am truly sorry. I repent of them all and turn away from my past.

I believe with my heart and confess with my mouth that Jesus/Yeshua is your Son and that He died on the cross at calvary to pay the price for my sin, so that I might be forgiven and have eternal life in the kingdom of Heaven. Father I believe that Jesus/Yeshua rose from the dead and I ask you to come into my life right now and be my personal Savior and Lord and I will worship you all the days of my life. Because your word is truth I say that I am now forgiven and born again and by faith I am washed clean with the blood of Jesus/Yeshua. Thank you that you have accepted me into your family in Jesus’/Yeshua’s name. Amen.