A Timely Reminder of the Day of Blowing

Shalom chaverim and mishpachah!
Peace to friends and family.

A timely reminder that the

Day of Blowing /Rosh HaShannah – Trumpets

is this weekend.
The New Moon Day of the seventh month is called

Yom Teruah  – יוֹם תְּרוּעָה.

This is also translated as the ‘Day of Trumpets’,

although it actually translates more accurately as

the ‘Day of Blowing,’

Rosh HaShanah as Yom Teruah

Day of blowing (the Shofar)

or YomhaZikkaron – Day of Remembering.

Hebrew: רֹאשׁ הַשָּׁנָה, Rōʾš hašŠānā,


“head of the year”

There are four ‘New Years’ in the Jewish calendar:
Nisan 1 – Beginning of the Festival cycle; first month in the religious calendar
Elul 1 – New year for tithing animals
Tishri 1 – Counting years; Sabbatical years, sh’mitah; counting Jubilee, yovel
Shevat 15 – Tu Bishvat for tithing fruit trees

Rosh HaShannah marks the beginning of what many term the

“high holy days,”

the days of repentance/teshuvah and seeking to have one’s life right before the Lord God and man. The month preceding Rosh HaShanah, Elul, is marked by blowing the shofar or ram’s horn every morning at the morning service.
The common greeting for Rosh HaShanah


Leshanah tovah – for a good year


leshanah tovah tikatevu

may you be inscribed for a good year.

The Rabbis taught that on Rosh HaShanah God inscribes the names of all the righteous in His book of life for the coming year, so this is the greeting.

For this reason, the greeting is not used after Rosh HaShanah, as it would be rude to suggest that the person you are greeting is not written in the book. The Rabbis further taught that those whose righteous and unrighteous deeds are equal, hang in the balance and their inscription in the book of life is put off until the coming Yom Kippur.
The rabbinic emphasis upon “deeds weighed in the balance” cannot stand in light of the truth of the gospel proclaimed throughout the Scriptures. Our standing before the Lord is not a matter of our good deeds, but the result of being brought near through the atoning work of our Savior, Jesus/Yeshua.

Rather than being a day of ultimate trembling, as followers of Messiah Jesus/Yeshua we find in Yom Teruah, or Rosh HaShannah, a day of reflection upon the value of our being written in the book of life, and the debt of love we owe to the One Who has called us to Him.

Obviously, this rabbinic view is not how a Messianic believer thinks or believes because, we recognize that having our name written in the Lambs Book of Life is not a dependent on an individual’s good deeds/works, but by the advantage through grace and mercy of having the blood of Yeshua /Jesus cover and remove our sins. That is why leshanah tovah, “for a good year” is used as the traditional greeting.

The ten days between Rosh HaShanah and Yom Kippur are called the 10 days of repentance/teshuavah; looked at in previous posts. According to the Rabbis, this is the season when those who are not certain that their righteous deeds outweigh their sins strive to “tip the balance” on the side of righteousness. The Sabbath that falls in these days is called Shabbat Shuvah /Sabbath of returning or Shabbat Teshuvah /Sabbath of repentance and is marked by additions to the service with those seeking repentance and making their life right before God.

The meaning of this Celebration:
When the shofar sounded in ancient Israel, it signaled that:

heaven and earth were about to meet, that divine power, the supernatural forces of heaven was about to break into the mundane affairs of men!

It signaled that great things were about to happen!

Rosh HaShanah emphasizes the sovereignty of our Heavenly Father in creation and that He cares about the world and remembers all our deeds and that He is not removed from the world that He created.
It reminds us of His kingship over us personally, and of our need to affirm Him as our King.
Through the sounding of the shofar, we are reminded of the Scriptures that He has graciously given to us, and of our need to willingly receive all they say to us and to plant His word deeply into our hearts and lives. Rosh HaShanah brings to us the true image of our Heavenly Father and reminds us that as creatures created in His image, we are to reflect His likeness to the world around us. Messiah Yeshua /Jesus did this perfectly and He stands before us as the perfect example of One who fully accepted His heavenly Fathers kingship and lived accordingly.

Rosh HaShanah also carries with it an emphasis on Messiah’s return, it looks to the future when Messiah will reign as king on the earth. According to 1 Thess. 4:16 when He returns, the shofar will sound announcing His kingship, and He will set up His throne in Jerusalem. we can look forward the coming of our King Messiah, as we celebrate Rosh HaShanah, because one of these days, every knee will bow to Him, and every tongue will confess that He is Lord of all.

Many believe that the return of Messiah will coincide with this celebration being the season of

Blowing the trumpet or shofar

and is significant with the scriptures

the last trump will sound etc.

The Word of our Father tells us through Messiahs own words in Matthew 24:36

1 Corinthians 15:52  In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be
1Thess 4:16 17
16 For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first:
17 Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord.

The sound of the Shofar reminds us that He continues to call us back to Him.

In those areas of our lives were we have strayed into sin, the call of this Lord is to “return,” to seek repentance/teshuvah and forgiveness. We also remind ourselves of the reality that He is our King, and that we are to show him our full allegiance and loyalty. Rosh HaShannah is a time of renewal, and Father’s appointed time to remind us of who we are in light of what He has done for us. It is therefore very needful, a critical and timely appointment in our walk with Him.
Present Relevance for Believers and Prophetic End-Time Implications of
Yom Teruah or the Day of Shouting.

The Shofar blasts prophetically, the summer months between the spring feast of Shavuot/Weeks/Pentecost, and the fall feast of Yom Teruah is a spiritual picture of what is often called the Church Age, which is the period of time from the Feast of Pentecost in Acts 2 until the return of Jesus/Yeshua the Messiah at the end of the age and lasting for approximately 2000 years.

For many, especially those living in a hotter climate, summer is a time of weariness and fatigue due to the excessive heat. In the same way, many believers have fallen asleep or are growing spiritually weary while waiting for the return of the Messiah.

Jesus/Yeshua discusses this issue in the Parable of the Ten Virgins Matt. 25, who all grew weary and fell asleep awaiting the coming of the Bridegroom Jesus/Yeshua.
This all changes on the first day of the seventh month of the biblical Hebrew calendar when off in the distance the sound of a shofar blast suddenly pierces the atmosphere and wakes up those who have fallen asleep. Not only does this blast on the shofar signal the beginning of the 7th month when the new crescent moon is sighted, but it announces the return of the Bridegroom Messiah Yeshua coming for His bride – the redeemed saints. As in the Parable, the cry went forth that the bridegroom was coming and all woke up to prepare for His arrival. In these end days, that cry is going forth even now for all to hear, to awake and to prepare for the arrival of Jesus/Yeshua the Messiah.

The ram’s horn shofar is bent into a curved shape and it represents the repentant humble hearts of both the one blowing and those hearing. This is the season for the righteous to get right with the Father and bend their hearts in humility before Him and shake ourselves out of spiritual lukewarmness and instead to wake up to spiritual action and preparation. The fall/autumn Appointed Times point to last days events that will occur at some point in time in the near future. It is a time to be refreshed by the breath of God, His Ruach HaKodesh, and to be aware of a time of new beginnings.

Let’s allow Him to breathe on us, to revive us and empower us as we enter into this prophetic season, and as every day we prepare ourselves so that when the moment comes for each of us, we are ready to meet our Savior, Lord, King and Redeemer, Messiah Jesus/Yeshua, in the air.
Yom Teruah also begins a season that prophetically speaks of war and battle, in ancient times in Israel, the shofar was a weapon of warfare, and in the last days it will be used again as such. It was used to call Israel to battle, to defeat her enemies with Gods’ help. The shofar was also used to proclaim victory after the battle was won and to worship our Heavenly Father who had given them the victory.

Israel’s fight against her enemies still continues on even in these end times. The enemies of the redeemed Israelites, us, are mostly spiritual, being the world, the flesh and the devil.

James 3:15; Ephesians 2:2–3.

The shofar’s blowing is a call to awaken out of spiritual sleep, lethargy, stagnation, slumber and to repent of sin. No man knows the day or the hour of the new moon’s arrival each month, although one who is alert can know the season, however the human tendency is to grow weary in waiting, and to grow slack in one’s obedience to Father’s commands. When the new moon is sighted and the shofar sounds, this is the signal for

the slumbering to awake,

for hope to arise,

renewal and spiritual revival to occur


action to be taken to put off sin

and to draw closer spiritually to our Heavenly Father.

The awakening sound of the shofar blast is the Hebrew word


Strong’s G8643, 

Lev. 23:24 and Num. 29:1

where the phrase “blowing of trumpets” is teruah,

Teruah means

the shout or blast of war, alarm, alarm of war,

war cry, signal, and sound of tempest.

Teruah derives from the Hebrew root word ruah meaning “alarm, signal, sound or blast of the shofar, to raise a shout.”

The name Yom Teruah could therefore have several literal meanings: 

the day of the shout,

the day of the war alarm or

the day of the shofar blast.

When we understand the significance of this day from a biblical understanding, we realize that Yom Teruah is a day of shouting with extreme joy or as a shriek in alarm, or a day of shofar blowing. As previously mentioned shofars were blown in biblical times to rally the people together, to alert the people in time of war, to warn the people, or as an instrument along with shouts to express the people’s joy, or to praise our Heavenly Father.
Yom Teruah prophetically involves all these concepts, for it is a day when His people will shout with joy as they gather to meet Jesus/Yeshua in the air after having been bodily resurrected at the sound of the last shofar blast, but it is also a time of alarm and shrieking on the part of the wicked, as a time of war and terror brought on by the judgments of our Father are about to come upon the earth.

Yom Teruah is a day of new beginnings or renewal, to wake up from lethargy and slumber, to be broken out of that sleepy, comfort zone state and to be awakened to action. Again, remember the ten virgins of Matthew 25 who slept in anticipation of the bridegroom’s arrival? When the shout went forth that he was coming they were all awakened. Some were prepared to go into the marriage supper of the bridegroom and some were not.

Are we awake…  and ready??

Our Bridegroom is Jesus/Yeshua….So keep looking up, our redemption draws very near!

Links to previous posts: 






Rosh Hashanah 2023, which begins the Jewish year 5784, starts just before sundown on Friday, Sept. 15, 2023, and ends after nightfall on Sunday, Sept. 17, 2023. Believed to be the day Adam and Eve were created, it’s celebrated as the head of the Jewish year.

Shavua Tov, Have a blessed week.
Make certain Messiah Jesus/Yeshua is your Redeemer, Savior, Lord and soon returning King and that you have a personal relationship with Him.
It’s all about Life and Relationship, NOT Religion.
You are very precious in His sight.
Not sure ..you can be…

don’t delay one more minute,
Heavenly Father I come to you in the Name of Jesus/Yeshua asking for forgiveness of my sins for which I am truly sorry. I repent of them all and turn away from my past.
I believe with my heart and confess with my mouth that Jesus/Yeshua is your Son and that He died on the cross at calvary to pay the price for my sin, so that I might be forgiven and have eternal life in the kingdom of Heaven. Father I believe that Jesus/Yeshua rose from the dead and I ask you to come into my life right now and be my personal Savior and Lord and I will worship you all the days of my life. Because your word is truth I say that I am now forgiven and born again and by faith I am washed clean with the blood of Jesus/Yeshua. Thank you that you have accepted me into your family in Jesus’/Yeshua’s name.

Christmas Bonus

I Will NEVER Leave You – Secrets Of The Seven Seasons.

At this time of year whether you are a believer or not most of the world focuses on Christmas/ New Year and everything that it encompasses.

This season can evoke a plethora of emotions, and for as many reasons, both good and bad.

This may be the first Christmas without a loved one.

It may be an annual reminder of a tragic event and of great or sudden loss.

Maybe there is no family to share the time with due to circumstances and events such as separation, divorce, abandonment, sickness and a host of other reasons.

Nothing highlights all these scenarios more than a traditional family time gathering.

It often amplifies the loneliness, depression and disappointment that can settle on individual lives at a time when everybody else seems to be enjoying themselves surrounded by family food festivities and gifts galore.

On the flip side – for some, the gathering together of family members is not a happy time at all. No one really wants to be there and the siblings and the in-laws don’t get on together.

The visits end in fights and feuds and everyone leaves wishing they’ve never gone. Many face the prospect of paying off credit cards that they have maxed out feeling they had to buy everybody something, it takes a whole year to pay it down and then they do it all over again!

The western tradition of Christmas has lost much of the real reason for the celebration. It has become simply a commercial time and is symbolic of excess and over doing in every area of the flesh life.

For those who believe in the reality of the son of God who was born in Bethlehem, and who are born-again by the spirit of the living God, believing that He gave His life so that we could be reconciled to the Father. We do not rely on one specific day to celebrate His presence in our lives, He is our life.

If you are physically alone this Christmas, be encouraged, there are thousands of people in the same situation. Many have lost their homes and everything in them this year, as well as family members. There are countless worse things that can happen to a person other than getting the gift they did not want.

The love of the father does not change because it’s a particular day of our Gregorian calendar year. His loving kindness never changes and is there for us every moment of every day.

No one is ever truly alone for His presence never leaves us nor forsakes us. Scripture says that He is close to those that are brokenhearted and He watches over His people. He sees what they are going through in these critical times, and He knows their innermost feelings.  2Timothy 3:1; Acts 17:27.

He is near to those that are broken at heart; and those who are crushed in spirit he saves. Ps.34:18. 

One of the things He came to do is recorded His own words in Luke 14:18 fulfilling the prophecy of Isaiah:

He came to heal the broken hearted.

He is no respecter of persons and each reader can rely completely on this promise from His own lips.

If you are alone consider it a good thing. Many people are too afraid to be alone. They are afraid of silence and their own thoughts. They keep busy all the time with noise, noise and more noise. Whether it’s music, voices, TV, radio, social media what ever the source, it serves to block out what ever they are trying to forget.

It is hard for our Fathers’ Holy Spirit to get our attention when there is always so much activity going on. Busy, busy, busy, stress, stress, stress, getting nowhere fast. Some people always have to be doing something they cannot just be still and know that He is God. (A picture of Martha and Mary.)

They are missing the true end and scope of life, which is God. So embrace the silence and the quiet time, enjoy being alone with our Father, with no distractions or interruptions, nothing to do but sit and immerse yourself in His wonderful presence and let His healing power flood our entire being.

It’s not the date, the day, the company, or lack of it that is important but where our focus rests.

Secrets of the Seven Seasons

 Seven is a Number used many times in scripture as noted in previous posts. It is up to each individual concerning whether to celebrate Christmas or not. It is certainly never wrong to remember His first coming, if there wasn’t a first there couldn’t be a second!

It is worth mentioning here that God’s year is not based on our year and His Calendar structure came long before ours did. His birth is not an isolated historical fact and should not be seen as such, and here is why.

He set up the year, which we can see in this present age, according to the pattern set out in the Old Testament. (Lev. 23.) His year begins at Pesach/Passover, and the mystery it holds foreshadows the death of the lamb, beginning the age with salvation. It is symbolized by a cup and a piece of matzo bread. (emblems of His body and His Blood of the re-newed covenant)

Next is Yom Resheet, the date when the first fruits of the Spring harvest are lifted up to the Lord. The mystery within the second appointed date foreshadows the day of first fruits as Messiah is lifted up from the dead in the raising up of Him as the first fruits of new life, the resurrection. It is symbolized by a sheaf of barley.

Symbolized by sheaves of wheat and two loaves of bread is the third appointed event and it holds another mystery. The feast of Shavuot launches the summer harvest and foreshadows the feast of Pentecost, which was the giving of the Ruach, His Spirit and was the launching of the harvest of this age.

The fourth appointed time is the great harvest of the summer. Here the mystery foreshadows the harvest of the nations, it is the time of the gospel, of sowing and reaping and going to the ends of the World with the word of salvation. This is the time that we are in now. It is symbolized by grains, figs, grapes and olives.

Here there is a gap in the seasons as we come to the fifth mystery of the feast of trumpets. This has yet to come to pass prophetically and it foretells the sounding of the trumpets; which will happen at the end of the age, to declare the coming of the King. It is symbolized by a shofar or rams horn.

Symbolized by a cloth, a piece of a curtain, embroidered with cherubim is the sixth mystery of Yom Kippur. This is the day of atonement when man and God are face to face. The mystery within this appointed time foreshadows the day of judgment and salvation when man and God will stand face-to-face.

The final and seventh mystery symbolized by branches of the Lulav and citrus fruit. It is called the feast of tabernacles or booths/Sukkot. Hidden within it meaning is the mystery telling the age of the kingdom to come when God will live/ abide/tabernacle, among us and we will forever be with Him. Then the mystery of the age will all be fulfilled.

If Messiah was born in the Spring it would have coincided with Pesach,Passover, the lamb of God and sacrifice and if in the autumn it would be Sukkot and the tabernacling with mankind. Either is significant. There is a way to calculate from the date of Zechariahs visitation as mentioned in a previous post as well as more on each feast. However not the focus here.

These times of the year, plus Hanukkah are those planned by our heavenly Father and have wonderful meaning to us as believers in Messiah Jesus as we have the mysteries of the ages revealed to us by understanding their true origins. His birthday was just one day and He never told us to remember it but rather to remember what He was teaching.

People decided to focus on a date and it may have had the initial goal of evangelism and making sure His first coming was not forgotten. The world back then did not function in the same way ours does, they had no alarm reminders of any kind, just the annual cycle of God’s seasons. He said remember Me as often as you do this, by taking communion, and doing what He has asked us to and to, and being continually prepared, and ready for His return at His second coming.

In Christmas, as His birthday, we are looking 2000+ years in retrospect, we need to be looking forward and upward, for our redemption does indeed draw close. He rose and will return as surely as He came then.

Wherever you are, whatever predicament you find yourself in, be encouraged. Father knows where you are and sees you and understands your needs at this moment. Simply ask, cry out for what you need Him to be for and to you and He will answer.

His promises never fail.

Call to me and I will answer….

Prayers go out to to each and every one over these few days of Christmas/New Year and especially all who have been affected by the worldwide natural/weather disasters.

So although it’s not a biblical holyday and it was by man’s design which began in the middle of the 8th century. The disciples did not celebrate it nor did the early church. However as believers in Jesus the Messiah/ Yeshua HaMashiach, let’s open our hearts for His all encompassing presence and let Him fill us with His joy, which is not the shallow frivolity of the world but the source of all spiritual strength; which will sustain us, bringing healing in all its fullness.

With God we are never alone, we may physically be by ourselves but by abiding in Him we are never truly alone and are always a part of the ‘called apart ecclesia’, the true remnant and body of Messiah.

The shortest day of the year has already passed it gets brighter from here on; and as the path of the righteous is to the light of dawn, shining brighter and brighter until midday.

Receive the loving thoughts and prayers of the congregation of His family/Mishpachah in Jesus/Yeshua’s Name.

And remember

for He has said, “I will never[under any circumstances] desert you [nor give you up nor leave you without support, nor will I in any degree leave you helpless], nor will I forsake or let you down or relax My hold on you [assuredly not]!” So we take comfort and are encouraged and confidently say, “The Lord is my Helper [in time of need], I will not be afraid.
What will man do to me?” Hebrews 13:4-6 Amplified Bible (AMP)

Tears may endure for a night but Joy comes with

This time of year we think of random acts of kindness of unsung heroes, the ones that are not known by anyone but the Father. Many of these acts of kindness and courage have been revealed by those who were helped and…

Here is a link to 2 short videos that that really touches the heart and sums up a real hero with great courage.

If watched in order the 2nd will expound on the first.

https://youtu.be/PKkgO06bAZk .


This precious hero has now gone home to receive his heavenly reward but lived to the grand old age of 106!

Father knows and He cares…deeply!

He is EMMANUEL- God with us!

Shalom, shalom!

Please Do Not leave this page without the surety that you have the mender of broken hearts in your life..



Make sure Messiah Jesus/Yeshua is your Redeemer, Savior, Lord and soon returning King and that you have a personal relationship with Him.

Its all about Life and Relationship, NOT Religion.

You are greatly loved and very precious in His sight.

He longs to give you the healing He paid the ultimate price for..


Heavenly Father I come to you in the Name of Jesus/Yeshua asking for forgiveness of my sins for which I am truly sorry. I repent of them all and turn away from my past.

I believe with my heart and confess with my mouth that Jesus/Yeshua is your Son and that He died on the cross at calvary to pay the price for my sin, so that I might be forgiven and have eternal life in the kingdom of Heaven. Father I believe that Jesus/Yeshua rose from the dead and I ask you to come into my life right now and be my personal Savior and Lord and I will worship you all the days of my life. Because your word is truth I say that I am now forgiven and born again and by faith I am washed clean with the blood of Jesus/Yeshua. Thank you that you have accepted me into your family in Jesus’/Yeshua’s name. Amen.