Midweek Mannabite – A Time For Everything

Matthew 1:23

They shall called His Name Emmanuel.

Matt. 1:23; Luke 1:35

Hallelujah’s fill the air.

A star leads the way.

A Mother’s tired sigh,

And a baby soft cry

Shepherds kneel and wise men bow

And the heavenly host sing,

For in the Bethlehem manger

Is the newborn King.

Thank God He came…




Luke 2:10, 11


This story would have ended at Malachi in The Bible if Messiah Jesus/Yeshua had not come.

May our hearts and prayers reach out to the ends of the earth, to those who have no ‘Christmas day’, in that they have no good news of the Savior King.

Nehemiah 8:10

“Send portions to them for whom nothing is prepared”.

He was born INTO this world not FROM it.

He did not emerge OUT of history.

He came INTO history FROM the outside.

He is not man BECOMING God, He is God incarnate BECOMING INTO human flesh FROM OUTSIDE it.

He must also COME INTO us from OUTSIDE. Galatians 4:19

All lives must become a

Bethlehem for God’s Son –

A house of bread..

we must be born again. John 3:7

For all those who are tired and weary at this time, or those who are alone during this season. Be encouraged and know that He sees you and loves you very much.

Consider 1Kings 19:7

For this is what He did for His tired servant.

The journey is too great for thee and I am going to refresh you.

He gave him something good to eat and put him to sleep.

Elijah had done an amazing thing but it has been too much for his physical strength; and then the inevitable result became clear and he became depressed.

Every human being has a physical need to be cared for and what many people want and need is a good nights sleep, plus whatever else ails them physically needs to be attended to.

Throughout the generations many have ended up under the Juniper tree!

Here is where it is very soothing to hear the words of Jesus.

The journey is too great for you and I am going to refresh you.

He also told His disciples to..

Come apart and rest awhile. Mark 6:31

Here we must remember not to confuse physical weariness with spiritual weakness.

There comes a time when we need to recharge our batteries…

Be encouraged while reading the following lines:

When we are too tired to trust and too tired to pray and our over taxed strength gives way, the thought comes to mind, just drop it all and rest.

Then we wonder if God will forgive us if we go right to sleep just as a baby does, without asking if we may and without even trying to trust and pray.

We should remember that before we could even talk those raising us did not deny us needed rest and did not refuse to cradle us while we slept.

Those watching over us were quick to see what we needed and to make provision for our natural necessities and to guard us and keep us safe.

It’s okay to just drop it all and give up to rest – Our Heavenly Father knows all about it and we just need to go to sleep as a baby does.

He knows when His child is too tired to pray and does not judge us alone by the prayers we say, because He knows our innermost heart.

  1. He called a little child to him, and placed the child among them. 3.  And he said: “Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.” 

He knows when we do pray and He knows when we do trust and He knows the limits of our human bodies. This was evident in the garden when He told His disciples to take their rest, while He took upon Himself the burden that no one else could bear.

Then he cometh to his disciples, and saith to them: Sleep ye now and take your rest. Matthew 26:45

If we are saved then we have given our life up to Him to keep, so we don’t need to be afraid to go right to sleep.

Ps 37:7 Rest in the LORD because rest allows our mind, body, and soul to renew and then continue with even more strength and focus. 

Psalm 27

Isaiah 40:31 but those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.

Is 40:29 The LORD gives strength to those who are weary. 

He strengthens those who are weak and tired. He gives strength to the weary and strengthens the powerless. He’s the one who gives might to the faint, renewing strength for the powerless.

Rest in the Lord.

He knows you are facing challenges.

He’s just waiting for you to run to Him. The Savior understands.

In fact, as the word of God says in Hebrews 4:15, He is touched by the feeling of our infirmities. The Lord empathizes with you. You are not alone.

Just be quiet and confident in Him, be anxious for nothing and cast all your cares upon Him.

Psalm 4:8 In peace I will both lay myself down and sleep, for you alone, LORD, make me live in safety. 

And I shall lie down and sleep, because you, Lord Jehovah, make me dwell alone in stillness.

I fall asleep in peace the moment I lie down because you alone, O LORD, enable me to live securely.

Shalom – peace and rest to all family and friends!

Let the love of Our Heavenly Father sustain and encompass us as we learn to rest in Him and He will give us strength.

Please Don’t leave this page until you are certain He is the giver of your rest. 

It’s all about Life and Relationship, NOT Religion.

You are greatly loved and precious in His sight.




Heavenly Father I come to you in the Name of Jesus/Yeshua asking for forgiveness of my sins for which I am truly sorry. I repent of them all and turn away from my past.

I believe with my heart and confess with my mouth that Jesus/Yeshua is your Son and that He died on the cross at calvary to pay the price for my sin, so that I might be forgiven and have eternal life in the kingdom of Heaven. Father I believe that Jesus/Yeshua rose from the dead and I ask you to come into my life right now and be my personal Savior and Lord and I will worship you all the days of my life. Because your word is truth I say that I am now forgiven and born again and by faith I am washed clean with the blood of Jesus/Yeshua. Thank you that you have accepted me into your family in Jesus’/Yeshua’s name. Amen.


Christmas contains a prophetic Hebrew name..Is God With Us? YES HE IS!!!!

The name Immanuel or Emmanuel is familiar during this season.EEM-ANU-EL meaning GOD WITH US is translated from the Hebrew and is found in Matthew 1:21–25 & Luke 8:22–25

The word for God is EL

The Hebrew word for WITH is IM and pronounced EEM

And the Hebrew word for US is ANU

Literal translation is IM ANU EL is WITH US GOD

So GOD WITH US would read EL IM ANU


So how we would say (literally), ‘with us is God’ is how we get our

Eem anu el /Emmanuel / ImmanuelPronounced as a long E (meaning with) and can be spelled Immanuel or Emanuel. However rather than just a Christmas title for Our Heavenly Father. It is more than a name. It’s actually a sentence and a declaration of Messiah’s ever present glory in our midst. When the storm arose on the sea of galilee and there was a threat to their safety and violence was breaking against their lives.Messiah was sleeping.

The disciples were about to panic, as their prospect of drowning became too real. Messiah was in complete faith because He really didn’t have to or need to do anything. It was enough that He was there. Shammah.

Messiahs name Emmanuel.   He was God with us, on the boat in the stormThere is not one who does not know what a storm is like and has not experienced storms in our lives; the times when everything seems out of control, the circumstances are overwhelming and the boat we are in is sinking fast.Storms are part of life, its part of the testing and trying of our faith, to see in whom we really put our trust. Remember who is with us in the boat as we travel through the storms of life. If we are Messiah’s, then IM ANU EL is in the boat WITH US. The wind and the waves will not prevail against us and our boat will not sink because we are not alone in the storm.
Put your hand in the hand of the One who stilled the water and who calmed the sea. An old song but nevertheless still holds as true today.Josh 1:9 I am with you wherever you go.

It’s in these times we grow. If we don’t have a situation where we need faith, then we don’t need God! and without faith, its impossible to please Him.If you’re relying on other means or people and things, then you’re not in faith and trusting His provision. It’s when we have storms, that we will see the caliber of our faith in Emmanuel.This is why we are to count it all joy, for EM IM ANU

and the joy of the lord is our strength and we can speak to the storm in His name just as He spoke PEACE BE STILL. He said SHALOM, which means more than one word and cannot be translated with one English word.Where there is shalom it means that: 

there is tranquility, an absence of: disorder and violence. There is justice, sufficient food, clothing, housing, divine health, no sickness. An absence of: conflict, lack, hatred, abuse, bribery, corruption, pain, suffering, immorality and all other negative forces. In John 14:27 when Jesus/Yeshua said

Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.

Ve•a•ta sha•lom ani ma•ni•ach la•chem et-sh`lo•mi ani no•ten la•chem lo cha•a•sher yi•ten ha•o•lam ani no•ten la•chem al-yir•gaz lib•chem ve•al-ye•chat.

He was giving us SHALOM the peace of EMMANUEL and in turn we are to speak that same peace to the storms in our own lives. No wonder Shalom and Shalom Alecheim, are both greeting and farewell in Israel, Peace be unto you.

Isaiah prophesied 7:14 of Messiah. A virgin shall conceive and give birth to a child and we shall call Him Immanuel.The name of Messiah in Hebrew is a sentence. It is a declaration of a reality.

His very life on earth was the physical manifestation of this Hebrew sentence.eem anu el.

When He was sorrowful it was Emmanuel, (eem anu el in sorrow). It forms a sentence, God is with us in sorrow.

When He was in the boat on the Sea of Galilee in the midst of the storm, He was Emmanuel in the storm. Eem anu el.He is with us in rejection, in judgment, in every circumstance of life; so that we can say at all times and in all places and in every circumstance,Imm anu el – God is with us always.

He did not accomplish salvation by removing evil from the world, salvation came through His presence, by Him coming into the world and becoming God with us. Emmanuel. He did not take the problems away, or remove them from the world. He did something better, He gave us the answer. He poured the answer into the world as He poured out His own life.Salvation is not the absence of sin, it is the presence of God. Salvation is not removing the world’s darkness, it is the shining of God’s light into the darkness. When His light is present, the darkness is driven away. Salvation is the incarnation of God by and in His very presence. It is Jesus/Yeshua, the solution was Emmanuel eem anu el.Anochi – I Am That I Am and Who I Will Be.

He Was, Is and Will Be, God incarnate. ‘Incarnate’, means ‘to put into concrete form, to embody in flesh, especially human flesh’. He came in bodily form to show us, by example, the way each of us is to live and to minister.We don’t overcome darkness by focusing on it, we overcome the darkness by focusing on the light. We don’t overcome sin by dwelling on sin, we overcome sin by dwelling in and focusing on God. We overcome emptiness by dwelling on His presence, by dwelling on the answer to the problem not on the problem itself.We overcome sorrow by the presence of His joy. We overcome hate by the presence of His love and evil by the presence of His good. It’s like having an empty cup, the only way to get rid of the emptiness is by filling it. So we need to be-being filled up with His Holy Spirit.He died in our place, He became sin. He made Himself the focal point of all judgment so He had to be separated. It’s part of the judgment, being separated from God.There is a paradox here, He said, ‘My God My God why have You forsaken Me?’

But who is it that is saying these words? The one saying it is God Himself. so is He asking Himself why He has forsaken Himself?He’s speaking those words in our place. The one saying the words is eem anu el Emmanuel, God with us. So the one asking why God is not with Him is, God is with us. This is so amazing because when we come to the darkest moments in our lives and we feel God has forsaken us, even then, He will be with us.When we cry out, ‘My God why have you forsaken us?’ He is right there saying those words with you. When you feel infinitely far away and hopelessly separated from God, He will be there with you feeling just as infinitely far away and hopelessly separated from God with you. For He too experienced it and understands what it is like.That it was God Himself saying those words in our place means that, even if you were forsaken by God, God would choose to be forsaken with you and so you will never be forsaken. If God was with us even when He was separated from God, then there is nothing in this world or beyond, nothing in this age or the ages to come, that will ever separate us from the love of God. We are in Him, who is the love of God and who will always be eem anu el

Isaiah 43:2 Matthew 27:46 Matthew 28:19–20 Romans 8:35–39

However, Jesus is not a baby in a manger anymore…Neither is He still on the cross…Nor is He in a grave and apparently although He is in Heaven now, He is not staying there forever either!

During this season celebrating new birth and new life. Let the reality of hope, that dependable anchor for our souls, flood our lives with a fresh faith. A deep inner knowing that we are safe and secure in Emmanuels hand and He truly is the hope of the coming glory to which we are securely fastened.Shalom and may GOD be WITH US               EL be EEM ANU! ALWAYS!