Dare To Feel Small

Just for one moment…

dare to feel vulnerable…

Whether we are within four seemingly solid walls of a building or in a vehicle of transportation we feel protected, safe and proportionally significant to our surroundings.

We feel able to coordinate and work within and as much as is possible, able to control our immediate environment.

Everyone has a certain image of themselves whatever they claim.

Beauty in the eye of the beholder.

 In this instance it’s how we see ourselves in relation to God’s creation,

to our immediate environment and how we interact with what is around us.

Take away our boundaries, our walls, our secure zone; remove the walls and fences and protective insulating layers and reveal where you are.

In reality we a just a miniscule part of the whole creation.

A tiny dot

in the vastness of space

For it is a certainty that everything is connected and truly no man is an island.

Everything you see around you that is not part of nature, was made by humans and was made here on this earth.

All the elements that construct everything in your home, your vehicle and everywhere you go are made of the same basic elements that the earth and stars in the heavens are made of;

that includes our physical bodies which came from the DUST of the earth. (Genesis 1)

The nitrogen that is in our DNA,

the calcium in our nails and teeth,

the iron in our blood,

(The reason why rock and stones are red is from the iron content which is the same as the iron in our blood)

the carbon and minerals

in the food we eat.

We are made of the same elements and components that are present in the universe.

You could even say we are made from Star Dust,

from the interior of the very creation of the universe.

It’s time to get our eyes away from the TV, PC and cell Phone screens and look up and around at the panoramic iMax of reality.

Open our eyes Lord that we may see!

So let’s see ourselves as who we really are.

From above we look like an ant colony on a huge scale but 7 billion people are not visible from a mile up

And yet we can see further than a mile on the ground, so we are really small to not be seen from a mile away.

Our place in the cosmos is tiny in the vastness of his universe,

we are almost imperceptible but yet God knows every hair on our heads. That should be a very comforting thought.

Feel small yet?

We need to have a deeper appreciation of all that He was, all that He is now and all that He will be; and by the same token all that you are, and the promise of all that you will become by His spirit.

At that moment of daring to feel small alone and vulnerable its overwhelming, for we are ultimately powerless within the living environment that surrounds us.  Yet all of nature in itself does not require our assistance to continue its existence and progression.

Shockingly, we are dispensable to natures cycle of life and yet God created us from its essential elements, from the same dirt that the whole of creation is comprised.

The roots of the trees reach ever further downward and their trunks soar to the sky, may be even trying to reach the heavens to get closer to their creator.

Everything God created has living movement and the essence of life within it.

We are the pinnacle of his creation and it made the Angels gasp.

We are unique in everything that He made and yet we were not to be annexed from the creation He placed us in to guard and keep.

We are intrinsically connected not only to creation itself but also to one another, so we should not ever feel alone, isolated and small in its fine array of environments. It is not strange therefore, when we meet someone for the first time and feel like we’ve known them forever. We have!

From Desert

to Ice Shelf,

Mountain Top



Open Plain

to Forest


Woodland to Seashore.


to lakes

Vast Continents


Tiny Islands


to glaciers

and from

the immense vistas

to the secluded niches.

Nor have we any need to feel overwhelmed

by the gigantic



of California;

and feel humbled by the intricacies of the construction in the dragonflies wings,

there is no need to fear the waves of the rolling sea



the waters will become calm at a word from the master.

Our fascination of the hummingbird speed

and the scientifically,

non aerodynamic shaped bee,

who technically should not be able to fly, and maybe it is an indication to us,  a visual example of doing the impossible by faith.

In allowing ourselves to feel small, we see that we are truly part of the whole creation that He formed and it is here, right before us and He has placed us in this vast and magnificent environment.

In that moment of vulnerability, we are also the most secure in the knowledge of His unfathomable and unconditional love.

In all His living things,

the Flora and Fauna,

Animals, Birds and Plants,

the beauty of Blossoms

and faithfulness





of the creatures we take into our homes and quickly

become as members of our families.

And in realizing the same Creator God loves us so much that He sent His son

to experience all that we do in this life and suffered so much more so that we don’t ever have to.


 He suffered and died in our place that we can be redeemed and

now the sin that resulted in the slow death of all that He made, can be reversed in our individual lives.

His ultimate goal for us to be in close relationship with Him and it’s available to each and everyone of us,

right here,

right now.

So enjoy feeling small in the vast array of His Grace



and take a moment to drink in His presence

encapsulated within the enornmity

and magnificence of His creation.

For you are more precious to Him than all the images above and He gave His life for YOU not them.

How marvelous, how wonderful is our Saviors love for each and every one of us.

Know you are greatly loved and therefore blessed beyond measure.

To Dwell a little longer on His Creation go to Homepage and under Pages-Title- Subjects List click on

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AHH-musing Mini Manna Moments

May the fullness of His Shalom fill your hearts and minds continually.