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Because of what He has done for me I will sing unto the Lord, as long as I live I will sing praise to my God while I have my being.

Ps 104:33


  1. Ashi•ra la•Adonai be•cha•yay azam•ra le•Elo•hai be•o•di.

  1. I will sing to the Lord as long as I live; I will sing praise to my God while I have my being.

From the original text: Shir means sing/song


However, “ashira”,  A-SHEER-AH

means: “rich, I will sing”.

rich is associated with wealthy, giving the meaning of:

‘rich and wealthy I will sing to the Lord’.

The dawn chorus is usually the first sound we hear

unless the alarm clock takes priority.

Listen to them sing as if it was for them the first time they have ever sang those notes.

Never letting season or climate or anything deter them from their course, their priority of heralding of the new dawn.

They put every effort into that song

they are choristers of distinction and dedication, singing for all they are worth.

Their whole bodies swell with effort

and vibrate with the harmonies implanted by their creator.


Never a day goes by without they sing their praise back to Him and tell of His creation and love

and of His attention to the details of each and every corner of the earth which declares His love and beauty.

We have a new song to sing…

of our new day

since we are saved and blessed by His enduring mercies and grace and as they are new every morning,

let us sing to Him, our songs of praise, worship and love as long as we live..

Because … we are rich and wealthy in Him and all He has done for us spiritually.