Heroes & Heroines

Heroes/heroines are the ones who would never give themselves that title. 

They are the ones who pay the price of laying down their life for others.The ultimate self sacrifice and many do so on a daily basis.

They come in all guises and sizes but their goal is the same and their heart motivation is one to be both admired and emulated.This week we say ‘THANK YOU’, to each and every one, who has given their time and heart, to the service of country and fellow woman, man and child in whatever sphere of life you are in. We will never know or comprehend the true cost of your service.  We can however, turn our hearts towards all of you, both past and present, in gratitude and humility.

The reality of knowing that most of us would not be here; and certainly not living in the freedoms we enjoy, if not for those who fought the battles and won the many past wars,
and those ongoing conflicts all around the world today.

Freedom is NEVER free and we honor all veterans and remember every one in our thoughts and prayers.

November 11th is ‘Remembrance Day’, on many continents and it touches us all, for through the years, every family has lost someone.In Europe, the poppies of the Flanders fields, highlight the overwhelming number of lives lost in the struggles for victory.The ultimate hero OF COURSE, is Jesus, because how ever many people died in the place, or service, of others, the scriptures tell us, only Jesus can save our eternal souls.

Only His blood can redeem the sinner and wash us white as snow, so we can be acceptable and presentable in our Heavenly Fathers presence.  In our comfort and complacency, where we demand our rights; and often display selfish attitudes of our perceived entitlement, to everything we think we should have….Let us never forget to whom we owe our freedoms and our futures, both in this life and the next.While we remember with hope, that one day there will be no more war. For then our King will reign and all tears will be wiped away and in His presence, His true Shalom shall be all we know and experience.We live free because of the brave and because of the courage of those who would protect us with everything they have.

We Remember


Thank You.

A Hebrew word for,”Complete peace, contentment, completeness, wholeness, wellbeing and harmony.”